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Data visualisation: What aren't we seeing?

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This meeting is jointly organised with the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) West Midlands local group.

Greg McInerny (Warwick) will give a talk about data visualisation 'best practices' and their relationship with the latest visualisation research. The topic is not R-specific but should be of interest to all R users and data scientists. Everyone is welcome.

Title: "What aren’t you seeing? Why do we ‘ignore’ advances in visualisation research?"

Speaker: Greg McInerny, associate professor at Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick


16:30–17:00 - Tea and coffee served in the Statistics Common Room (C0.06)
17:00–18:00 - Talk, held in Seminar Room A1.01
18:00–19:00 - Wine and cheese served in the Statistics Common Room (C0.06)


Zeeman Building, University of Warwick. To reach the Statistics Common Room, walk straight across the foyer and enter the Department of Statistics. Room A1.01 is on the first floor, above the building's main entrance. Campus map.


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