WMG in the Media
WMG Degree Apprenticeship Centre
WMG Degree Apprenticeship Centre (www.theengineer.co.uk, 13th September 2018)
Work to start on University Centre (Insider Media, 12th September 2018)
WMG to build a new degree apprenticeship centre (https://zenoot.com, 12th September 2018)
New Degree Apprenticeship Centre (www.dpaonthenet.net, 11th September 2018)
£10m Degree Apprenticeship Centre (www.themanufacturer.com, 11th September 2018)
WMG awarded £10m funding for new Degree Apprenticeship Centre (www.manufacturingmanagement.co.uk, 11th September 2018)
Degree Apprenticeship Centre gets green lights (www.pesmedia.com, 11th September 2018)
Zero Emissions Vehicle Summit (www.gov.uk/governmentspeeches, 11th September 2018)
Work to start on new degree apprenticeship centre (https://wmgrowth.com, 11th September 2018)
Work to start on new Degree Apprenticeship Centre (WIRED GOV, 11th September 2018)
Degree Apprenticeship Centre (www.wired-gov.net, 19th September 2018)
Degree Apprenticeship Centre (Charted Institute of Logistics, 19th September 2018)
Degree Apprenticeship Centre (www.gov.uk, 18th September 2018)
Degree Apprenticeship Centre (www.marketscreener.com, 18th September 2018)
Degree Apprenticeship Centre to be built (Coventry Telegraph, 18th September 2018)
£10m funding boost for uni manufacturing and engineering project (www.coventrytelegraph.net, 19th September 2018)
Degree Apprenticeship Centre (Traffic Technology Today, 21st September 2018)
Degree Apprenticeship Centre (Coventry Telegraph, 20th September 2018)
News round up - Degree Apprenticeship Centre (Machinery, 1st October 2018)
Degree Apprenticeship Centre (www.theconstructionindex.com, 30th November 2018)
Degree Apprenticeship Centre (www.pbctoday.co.uk, 30th November 2018)
Degree Apprenticeship Centre (Midlands Business Insider, 29th November 2018)
New Degree Apprenticeship Centre (Refurb, 1st November 2018)
New Degree Apprenticeship Centre (Coventry and Warwickshire in Business, 2nd November 2018)
WMG Academy exam results
Coventry celebrates a strong A level performance (https://coventryobserver.co.uk, 17th August 2018)
WMG Academy students celebrate 100% pass rate (https://coventryobserver.co.uk, 16th August 2018)
Plenty of reasons to celebrate (Coventry Observer, 20th August 2018)
Formula 1 driving simulation technology could help put the UK on the fast track to self-driving vehicles
Self driving cars (www.thalesgroup.com, 16th August 2018)
F1 technology could fast track self driving vehicles (www.dpaonthenet.net, 22 August 2018)
F1 technology vertifying autonomous vehicles (www.electronicsweekly.com, 17th August 2018)
F1 technology deplyed for Avs (Automotive Industry News, 18th August 2018)
Industry 4: frontiers in blockchain
Frontiers in blockchain facilitating discoveries which could revolutionise the world (https://blog.frontiersin.org, 7 August 2018)
Four transport projects receive millions in innovation funding
Four transport projects receive millions in innovation funding (West Midlands Growth Company, 31st July 2018)
Funding announced for driverless tech projects (BBC online, 30 July 2018)
UK government announces funding for six new CAV simulation and modeling projects (www.traffictechnologytoday.com, 1st August 2018)
Four transport projects receive millions in innovation funding (www.thebusinessdesk.com, 30 July 2018)
WMG Academy open day
Get set for life at technical college (www.coventrytelegraph.net, 10 July 2018)
IMechE railway challenge
IMechE railway challenge (www.railstaff.uk 5th July 2018)
FISTA PLUS conference - race for range
Race for range - could end as electric car manfacturer focus on weigh and cost (www.imeche.org, 13th July 2018)