2014 Summer Conferences
The summer conference season is in full swing, and the Service Systems group is well-represented at some of the key service conferences around the globe:
13th International Research Conference in Service Management, La Londe les Maures, France: May 27-30
This service conference is held every other year by the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE) of Aix-en-Provence, France. At this year's conference, Professor Irene Ng presented the following papers:
- Wakenshaw S, Venters W, Ng I, Lloyd A (2014) Sense-Making Of Consumer Wellbeing In Information Technology-Enabled Services From A Relational Ontology Position
- Wakenshaw S, Ng I (2014) The Role of Marketing in the Design and Innovation of Future Products in the Connected Digital Economy
8th AMA SERVSIG International Service Research Conference (SERVSIG 2014), Thessaloniki, Greece: June 13-15
SERVSIG, the American Marketing Association (AMA)'s Services Marketing Special Interest Group, holds an International Research Conference every two years. At SERVSIG 2014, Susan Wakenshaw presented based on the following abstract:
- Wakenshaw S & Ng ICL (2014) The Role of Marketing in Product Innovation in the Digital Economy
4th Forum on Markets and Marketing (FMM) 2014: Karlstad University, Sweden, June 16-19
The purpose of FMM to advance the development of service-dominant (S-D) logic by focusing on foundational issues related to markets and marketing and exploring the cross-disciplinary foundations of S-D logic.
Professor Irene Ng presented on The Market for Contextual Offerings: The Multi-Sided Market Platform of the HAT.
PhD student David Reynolds participated in the Doctoral Symposium based on his abstract Money for Nothing and the Clicks are Free: An investigation into the commodification of non-pecuniary compensation in the Digital Economy.
Follow the conference through our Storify compilation of their Tweets.
23rd Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Miami, Florida: June 26 -29, 2014
Ganna Progrebna, Xiao Ma and Peter Ward represented the WMG Service Systems group at this conference, and presented on the following abstracts:
- Ma X & Ng I (2014) The Use of Taxonomy for Understanding Service as a Competency in e-Service Systems
- Pogrebna G, Ng I, Scharf K, Maull R (2014) Contextual Variety, Internet-Of-Things And The Choice Of Tailoring Over Platform: Mass Customisation Strategy In Supply Chain Management
- Ward P & Sarley D (2014) What Theories and Questions can be Brought to Bear in Support of Achieving Consumer-centric Supply Chains?