FMM2016: Call for Participation
We invite expressions of interest in participating in the 5th Forum on Markets and Marketing, FMM2016.
Following the very successful inaugural Forum on Markets and Marketing (FMM2008), which was held at the University of New South Wales in 2008, equally successful forums (FMM2010, FMM2012, FMM2014) have been held at the University of Cambridge, the University of Auckland Business School and the CTF Service Research Center at Karlstad University. FMM2016 will build on the sound foundations of the previous Forums.
The purpose of the forum is to advance the development of service-dominant (S-D) logic by focusing on foundational issues related to markets and marketing and exploring the cross-disciplinary foundations and extensions of S-D logic. Accomplishing this purpose is facilitated by a small number of scholars actively engaging in dialogue and discussion, as well as occassional debate, over several days rather than the formal presentation of research papers.
FMM2016 will be held from June 13-16, 2016 and will include a Doctoral Consortium on June 13 from 1-5pm. There will also be a reception for forum participants on the evening of June 13. The forum will end at noon on June 16.
FMM2016 will be held at Warwick University’s centre in Venice, which has been housed in the 15th century Palazzo Pesaro-Papafava since 2007. The Palazzo is situated in the heart of historic Venice, a few minutes’ walk from two of Venice’s most famous icons: the Rialto Bridge and the Ca’ d’Oro. The Palazzo Pesaro-Papafava is easily accessible by land and water: a 12-minute walk to Venice’s Santa Lucia Railway Station, and a 10-minute ride by water taxi from Venice’s Marco Polo Airport.
Forum Themes
Building on previous FMM themes − including co-creation, resource integration, effectual logic, markets and practices, institutions and institutional logics, service ecosystems, innovation, complex systems, and value, values, symbols, and outcomes − FMM2016 has chosen three themes along with suggested sub-themes, all with an emphasis on their relationship to the S-D logic framework:
1. Institutions and Service Ecosystems
- Institutional logics and the work of institutions
- Resiliency and agility in service ecosystems
- Governance issues in service ecosystems
- Customer (“consumer”) involvement/engagement
- Role of shared institutions
- System viability (wellbeing, value)
- Supply chain management from a service ecosystems perspective
- Modelling large-scale service ecosystems
- Risk assessment in large-scale service ecosystems
- Language and sign systems
- Complex adaptive systems thinking
- Nature as service (ecosystem services)
2. Micro-Foundations and Mid-Range Theory
- Effecutation theory
- Resource theory
- Dynamic capabilities
- Open innovation
- Jobs-to-be-Done approach to innovation
- Stakeholder theory
- Triple bottom line
- Work systems
- Platform businesses
- Risk management
- Design thinking and design science
- T-skills
- Performance/value- based contracting
3. Information Technologies, Liquefaction and Emergence of Socio-Cyber-Physical Objects
- Liquefaction and density
- Consumer experiences, engagement and relationships with socio-cyber-physical objects
- New institutions, logic, corruptibility and power for socio-cyber-physical objects
- Diffusion and institutionalisation of socio-cyber-physical objects as service
- New transaction boundaries, markets and business models for socio-cyber-physical objects as service
- Open innovation and design of socio-cyber-physical objects as service
- Organisational forms in a digital service ecosystem
- Big data and the Internet-of-Things
- 3-D printing
To express interest in participating in FMM2016, please submit a structured abstract of no more than 450 words on one of the three major themes of the Forum. The abstract should introduce the phenomenon, its theoretical foundations, the methodology and findings, and discussion and conclusion. All contributions must be double-spaced Microsoft Word documents using Times New Roman 12-point font.
Please submit your abstract by January 10, 2016. You will be notified no later than February 15, 2016 of the status of your submission. Please submit abstracts to
Due to the small workshop nature of the Forum, participation is limited to a small group of scholars and in some cases, the number of individual scholars invited from a single accepted abstract might be restricted. Scholars participating in the Forum are expected to be present at the start and throughout the entire event.
Author Guidelines
- Submission of (substantially) overlapping papers to FMM2016 is not permitted.
- If the proposal includes more than one of the major themes, please indicate this upon submission.
- If the submission includes more than one author please specify the author(s) who will be attending the Forum. Each author may present no more than two papers, though can be co-authors on more than two papers. At least one of the authors of a paper should register to attend FMM2016.
- All papers will be reviewed using a double-blind process.
Doctoral Student Participation
Doctoral students involved in a research program focused on S-D logic, from any related academic disciplines such as accounting, economics, engineering, information systems, management, marketing, health, sociology, are welcome to participate in the forum. They should follow the same procedures for submission of an abstract as non-students; however, please indicate your student status when you submit your current CV. All accepted doctoral students are expected to attend and participate in the half-day Doctoral Colloquium on the afternoon of June 13. On a competitive basis, 3-4 doctoral students will be invited to actively participate in the entire Forum and will also be provided a waiver of the registration fee. Doctoral students chosen for the consortium on June 13 but not selected for full participation, will be invited to observe the Forum discussions and dialogue and also to participate in all receptions, meals and social events.
Contact information
- Professor Irene Ng, University of Warwick irene dot ng at warwick dot ac dot uk
- Professor Robert F. Lusch, University of Arizona rlusch at email dot arizona dot edu
- Professor Stephen L. Vargo, University of Hawaii svargo at hawaii dot edu
- Dr Susan Wakenshaw, University of Warwick susan dot wakenshaw at warwick dot ac dot uk
- David Reynolds, University of Warwick (Programme Coordinator) d dot j dot reynolds at warwick dot ac dot uk
Important Dates
June 13-16 (the Forum)
Call for Participation (PDF)