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Internet of Lab Things: Smart Stirrer

Research Group Activity

Our group is engaged in research at the intersection of Materials Science, Engineering, and Physics. We are keen to design and develop low-cost intelligent transceiver probes that can be immersed in a range of chemical solutions logging real-time physical properties including temperature, pressure and pH wirelessly to an external system. Then, these probes can be deployed in conventional lab or production scale experiments and/or pilot plant or production scale flow reactors where it can potentially transform process development, monitoring and control.

Project Description

Recently, we have developed a multisensor autonomous device capable of wirelessly monitoring various parameters of the chemical reactors [1]. Thanks to the fast wireless interface, the Smart Stirrer can be easily embedded into the Internet of Things and work as a measurement station node to remotely monitor the chemical reaction parameters. The Smart Stirrer has been proven to work with PC and Raspberry Pi and has an established command protocol.

In this project, you will help the team develop a web-app (GUI) interface to allow end-user to control and interact with the Smart Stirrer, plot data graphs, and log the experiments to the cloud (server). We will use the University webserver to build the prototype web app.

Particular objectives:
1) Create the front page web interface scalable for PC and mobile platforms;
2) Create the backend that will interlink the GUI elements (e.g. buttons, text labels, checkboxes etc.) with commands that the web app will send to the Smart Stirrer;
3) Field-test the developed platform at a chemistry lab.


The project can be run remotely.

sensor stirring

Required Skills

Programming in Python, React. Experience in working with Raspberry Pi.

Apply for this Project

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Project Team

dmitry isakov

Dr Dmitry Isakov