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VR in social media - visualisation and evolution

Group Activity

The Electrical and Digital Systems (EDS) Discipline Group at the WMG is primarily focused on undergraduate teaching. It consists of 13 academic staff and teaches more than 40 modules each academic year across 5 degree apprenticeship programmes. The Group is also involved in supervising search projects at final-year undergraduate, Master, and PhD levels.

Project Description

The project aims to text-mine social media such as Twitter/TikTok under the topic of virtual reality (VR), and build snapshots and storylines of related topics and events.

Following our previous research project "Virtual reality for teaching art subjects", sponsored by the Warwick Global Research Priorities, , it was understood that the public is adapting the use of VR in education, especially after the pandemic, in terms of commercially available hardware and service provided. However, this adaptation was limited by the availability of high-quality content from both within the UK and outside. Following this, the current internship project wishes to survey recent posts on popular social media platforms, and identify key VR-related topics/events, their relationship, and evolution.

Required Skills

A good understanding of the Python programming language, as well as a general understanding of web APIs.

Apply for this Project

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Project Team

Dr Jianhua Yang

Dr Mir Seyedebrahimi