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Evaluating and Estimating Quality in Virtual Environments

Research Group Activity

The Visualisation Group at WMG works on all aspects of visual computing, dealing with problems in the domains of computer graphics, virtual reality, computer vision, human computer interaction and imaging. We deal with real-world applications of visual computing and also develop foundational theory and knowledge. In particular, we are interested in perceptual aspects of visual computing and have conducted significant research in this area.

Project Description

This project will involve working with computer graphics and virtual reality to help identify the level of quality required for interacting in virtual environments. It will be based on our previous work:

In this project we will extend the work to multiple dimensions and include tasks into the process. The project will involve parts of the design, and possibly experiment and data analysis. Machine learning algorithms may also be employed as part of the project both for efficient data capture, analysis and/or modelling.



Programming skills in languages such as C/C++, C#, Python and Matlab. Preferences will be given to candidates who have experience using and programming in game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine.

Apply for this Project

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Project Team

kurt debattista

Dr Kurt Debattista