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Inclusive online teaching

Inclusive online teaching at WMG

This project is accepting two students

Dr Lauren Schrock


Dr Asima Iqbal

Project description

There is no better time than now to evaluate inclusion in online teaching due to the rise of virtual learning and the expansion of digital education technologies. While online teaching improves accessibility and flexibility, there are other concerns about inclusivity that remain. For example, recognising gender and racial equality and support for students with disabilities. When inclusivity is embedded in the design and delivery of online teaching, this has a positive influence on student experience, widening participation, and degree attainment.

You are invited to investigate the research question, “How to improve inclusivity in online teaching at WMG?”. In order to address this question, you will be asked to: (1) identify qualities of inclusion, (2) evaluate how qualities of inclusion transfer into the online learning environment, and (3) provide recommendations to improve inclusion in online teaching. A key focus of your research will be to evaluate the virtual learning environment for a blended module delivered to over 1,200 full-time postgraduate students. You will have the opportunity to evaluate inclusion in various areas of the online learning environment, including feedback processes, video recordings and transcripts, digital communications, learning activities, subject content, and assessment.

This project is an opportunity to develop your skills for reviewing literature and analysing secondary data. Your student perspective is greatly valued, and as a result of your research, you will devise recommendations for improving inclusion in online teaching and learning. Your recommendations will have the potential to benefit online learning for thousands of students. You will have the opportunity to present your research to academics. Further opportunities to present your research at a conference or produce a journal article are available.

You are not required to be on campus full-time to complete the project. A hybrid working pattern is acceptable.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Complete a literature review on inclusive online teaching with a focus on higher education
  • Assess the qualities of inclusion in online teaching and learning
  • Disseminate project findings in a report poster, conference paper, or presentation

Required skills

  • No previous research experience is required

Acquired skills

You will receive training on research methods as well as writing and presenting research. You will develop key transferable skills including information literacy, critical thinking, and communication. These are some of the Warwick Core Skills you will develop during this project to support your employability.

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