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Why EFL Action Research Matters

This page relates to a talk with the above title given by Richard Smith at the invitation of the British Council Chile in Santiago on 9 January 2013.

The talk launched the British Council Chile 'Champion Teachers - Action Research Project',

Here are Photos from the event and subsequent two-day workshop for Chilean secondary school teachers,

2) Handouts:

Handout with references and links

Freely available sources of EFL research reports

3) Additional references (not included in handouts but mentioned during the talk):

Smith, R. with Knagg, J. 2012. ‘The State of ELT Research in the UK (Part I)’. ELT Research 26: 5-7. Online:

Bullock, D. 2012. ‘Discovering research – a teacher-friendly approach’. Workshop at IATEFL Conference, Glasgow.ork

Carr, W. and Kemmis, S. 1986. Becoming Critical: Knowing through Action Research. Geelong, Victoria: Deakin University.

[Admn] Reminder of Moodle log-in page for project participants