Online Resources
Drama and Theatre in Education
- Applied and Interactive Theatre Guide
- Drama Australia
- Drama in Education
- Drama UK Discussions
- Mantle of the Expert
- National Drama--One Forum Many Voices
- Drama--The journal of the National Drama association, which contains articles and descriptions of drama and theatre projects and a good review section .
- Research in Drama Education--An internationally respected publication of theoretical and academic papers with an excellent international review section (Registered students at the University can get access to the full-text articles via their Athens accounts.)
Drama Conference
- IDEA--International Drama/Theatre and Education Association
- IDIERI--International Drama in Education Research Institute
- RDTIE--Researching Drama and Theatre in Education
Research Writing
- Academic Writing--The OWL at Purdue, by University of Hertfordshire
- Action Research Resources
- APA Online
- Citation Machine
Skills & English Language Support
- Warwick In-sessional Programme
- English language support provided by CELTE (The Centre of English Teacher Education)
- Royal Literary Fund Fellows in the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies offer one-to-one and small group tutorials in academic writing. You can sign up for tutorials at
H530 (Humanities Building). - Warwick Skills Programmes