CAGE & IAS Summer School 2018

CAGE & IAS Summer School 2018
University of Warwick, 26-28 June 2018
Organisers: Sharun Mukand, Sascha Becker and Robert Akerlof
The ESRC Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) at the University of Warwick, and the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) are joining together to provide a Summer School, to be held at the University of Warwick, 26-28 June 2018 (delegates to arrive on the 25th June). The theme of the Summer School will be on culture, identity and economic development. Over the past decade there has emerged a literature that examines the role of culture, identity and social and behavioural norms for economic outcomes. In this workshop, we aim to provide students with an overview of some of this recent work on the economics of culture and identity as well as examine its implications for economic development, conflict, education, immigration, the labour force and political economy.
The Summer School is intended mainly for PhD students and early postdoctoral researchers. The morning sessions will consist of lectures by invited academics and Warwick faculty whose work is relevant to this area. There will be a keynote on each day of the summer school delivered by (i) Debraj Ray (ii) Paul Seabright and (iii) Elias Pappaiannou . The afternoon sessions will consist of presentations by a subset of invited students and postdocs, with feedback from the lecturers and other participants.
The call has now closed any queries please contact Jane Snape at:
Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 18 May 2018.