CAGE Video Competition 2022

CAGE Video Competition 2022
Friday 14 Jan 2022Calling all budding producers – CAGE is launching a new video competition!
CAGE publishes economics research on diverse topics from tax to transport, wellbeing to political preferences, economic history to the environment.
We want our policy-driven research to shape debate, drive decision-making and change minds. We are always working to make our research more accessible and to reach as many people as we can.
This year, we’re inviting Warwick Economics undergraduates and MSc students to help us in this task by creating a 3-minute video summary of one of our research papers.
The prize for the best video submission will be £500.
The winning video will be published on the CAGE YouTube account and promoted on our website. (Please note that owing to academic research publication restrictions, on occasion videos may not be able to be published immediately.)
If you are interested in taking part, see the brief below.
The deadline for submission is Tuesday 1 March.
To submit your video, please contact and share your video using Files.Warwick.
If you have any questions, please email
The brief
Create a video based on one of these four research papers:
1. Measuring the epidemiological impact of a false negative: Evidence from a natural experiment (Thiemo Fetzer)
Economist article summary (imagery from this summary is copyrighted please do not use in your video)
2. Job displacement, unemployment benefits and domestic violence (Sonia Bhalotra, Diogo Britto, Paolo Pinotti and Breno Sampaio)
3. Race related research in economics and other social sciences (Arun Advani, Elliot Ash, David Cai, Imran Rasul)
4. Persecution and escape (Sascha Becker, Volker Lindenthal, Sharun Mukand, and Fabian Waldinger)
· Videos should be no more than 3 minutes long
· They should be animated (be as creative as you like) with subtitles. Voiceover is optional. No actors or ‘talking heads’ please.
· Target your content at a general audience: keep your message clear and simple, focus on two or three findings and draw out a clear conclusion.
· You can use graphs and images from the research paper (you may recolour these if you’d like). Make sure they are easy for non-experts to read.
· Please DO NOT use music or images that you do not have the rights to use. (Try the YouTube audio library or similar for royalty free music.)
· Please ensure that you credit the title and authors of the research at the start of the film.
· You must include a slide at the start of your video with the words ‘CAGE Video Competition 2022’ and your name.
We welcome both individual and group submissions. Entries will be judged on presentation (is the video accurate, concise and engaging?), visual appeal, visual consistency and innovation.
Need some inspiration?
Telling a complex story in 3 minutes (EconFilms) The art of the trade war
Using simple imagery to make a big impact (Econimate) Did austerity cause Brexit?
Creating a great video with basic tools (Sameera Bhalotra-Bowers) Clean water, a dirty matter