CAGE researchers win the Economic History Association Larry Neal Prize 2019
CAGE researchers win the Economic History Association Larry Neal Prize 2019
Tuesday 17 Sep 2019CAGE Research Director Bishnupriya Gupta and Research Theme Leader Stephen Broadberry have been awarded the Larry Neal prize 2019 for best article in Explorations in Economic History by the Economic History Association.
The article ‘Japan and the Great Divergence, 730-1874’ was written with co-authors Jean-Pascal Bassino, Kyoji Fukao and Masanori Takashima. The paper analyses the episodic growth of GDP in Japan between 730 and 1874. It finds that in per capita income increased in two periods: 1450-1600 and after 1721, and that these periods were interspersed with periods of stable per capita income. You can read the original CAGE working paper here.