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Belova and Lazarev on Funding the Soviet Communist Party

A paper by Eugenia Belova and Valery Lazarev, "Why Party and How Much? The Soviet State and Party Finance," has appeared in Public Choice 130 (3-4), pp. 439-456. Abstract: "Archival data on annual budgets of the Communist party shed light on how this cornerstone Soviet institution was maintained and on the party-state relationships in a one-party polity. The party depended on subsidies from the state budget until the mid-1950s and became largely self-financed afterwards. The costs of maintaining the party were significant compared to other branches of government. We consider three models of the party – “party-agent”, “party-ruler” and “party-political club” – to study the evolution of the party’s institutional role and find that by the 1950s, the party transforms from an economic agent of the state into an increasingly autonomous institution." Belova and Lazarev are W. Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell National Fellows at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Wed 01 Aug 2007, 09:57 | Tags: Hoover Project