Published Works
Review Articles
- Davies, R. W. 2009. The Archives and the Stalinist Economy. In Studies in Russian Economic and Social History, pp. 9-23. Edited by Martin Kragh and Håkan Lindgren. Stiftelsen för Ekonomisk-historisk och Företagshistorisk Forskning, Stockholm: Forskningsrapport nr 22.
- Ellman, Michael. 2008. The Political Economy of Stalinism in the Light of the Archival Revolution. Journal of Institutional Economics 4:1, pp. 99-125.
- Gregory, Paul R., and Mark Harrison. 2005. Allocation Under Dictatorship: Research in Stalin's Archives. Journal of Economic Literature 43:3, pp. 721-61.
- Khlevniuk, Oleg V. 2001. Stalinism and the Stalin Period after the Archival Revolution. Kritika 2:2, pp. 319-328.
- Rittersporn, Gábor T. 2001. New Horizons: Conceptualizing the Soviet 1930s. Kritika 2:2, pp. 307-18.
On-Line Publications
- Davies, R.W. and S.G. Wheatcroft. 2003. Supplementary Tables to The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia. Vol. 5, The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture, 1931-1933. London and Basingstoke: Macmillan Palgrave
- Dexter, Keith, and Ivan Rodionov. 2004. The Numbered Factories and Other Establishments of the Soviet Defence Industry, 1927 to 1967: a Guide. Part I, Factories & Shipyards: Version 5.0. Part II, Research & Design Establishments: Version 5.0. University of Warwick, Department of Economics.
- Gregory, Paul R., and Valery Lazarev. 2003. The Economics of Forced Labor: The Soviet Gulag. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press.
Grybkauskas, Saulius. 2007. Industrial Management in Soviet Lithuania, 1965–1985: Tensions and Conflicts. Summary of Doctoral Dissertation. Vytautus Magnus University, Lithuanian Institute of History. Kaunas-Vilnius.
- Rodionov, Ivan. 2001. The Aviation and Aircraft Industry of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1916 to 1946. 3rd edition.
Print Publications
- Barber, John, and Mark Harrison, eds. 2000. The Soviet Defence-Industry Complex from Stalin to Khrushchev. London and Basingstoke: Macmillan.
- Barber, John, and Mark Harrison. 2006. "Patriotic War, 1941 to 1945." In The Cambridge History of Russia, vol. 3. The Twentieth Century, pp. 217-242. Edited by Ronald Grigor Suny. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Belova, Eugenia. 2005. Legal Contract Enforcement in the Soviet Economy. Comparative Economic Studies, 47:2, pp. 387-401.
- Belova, Eugenia, and Paul R. Gregory. 2002. Dictators, Loyal and Opportunistic Agents: the Soviet Archives on Creating the Soviet Economic System. Public Choice, 113(3-4), 265-286.
- Belova, Eugenia, and Valery Lazarev. 2007. "Why Party and How Much? The Soviet State and Party Finance." Public Choice 130 (3-4), 439-456.
- Borodkin, Leonid, and Simon Ertz. 2005. Forced Labor and the Need for Motivation: Wages and Bonuses in the Stalinist Camp System. Comparative Economic Studies, 47:2, pp. 418-436.
- Borodkin, L.I. 2006. "Mezhdu prinuzhdeniem i stimulirovaniem: effektivnost' truda v GULAGe v kontse 1940-kh – nachale 1950-kh gg. [Between Compulsion and Reward: the Effectiveness of Labor in the Gulag in the Late 1940s and Early 1950s]" In Rossiia v kontekste mirovogo ekonomicheskogo razvitiia vo vtoroi polovine XX veka [Russia in the Context of World Economic Development in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century]. Edited by V.A. Vinogradov and 14 others. Moscow: Moscow University Press.
- Borodkin, L.I. 2005. "Udarniki iz 'sotsial'no-opasnykh': stimulirovanie lagernogo truda v 1930-kh gg. [Shock Workers from the 'Socially Dangerous': the Motivation of Camp Labor in the 1930s]" In Ekonomicheskaia istoriia. Obosrenie. Vol. 11.
- Borodkin, L.I. 2006. "Mekhanizm 'perekovki': stimulirovanie truda v rannem GULAGe. [The Mechanism of 'Reforging': the Motivation of Labor in the Early Gulag]." Rossia i sovremennyi mir (no. 1).
- Borodkin, L.I. 2006. "'Ser'eznyi stimul dlia raboty': trud v poslevoennom GULAGe. ['A Serious Incentive to Work': Labor in the Postwar Gulag]." In Rossiia v kontekste mirovogo ekonomicheskogo razvitiia vo vtoroi polovine XX veka [Russia in the Context of World Economic Development in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century]. Edited by V.A. Vinogradov and 14 others. Moscow: Moscow University Press.
- Davies, R.W. 1980-2003. The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia. Vol. 1, The Socialist Offensive: the Collectivisation of Soviet Agriculture, 1929–1930. Vol. 2, The Soviet Collective Farm, 1929-1930. Vol. 3, The Soviet Economy in Turmoil, 1929–1930. Vol. 4, Crisis and Progress in the Soviet Economy, 1931–1933. Vol. 5 (with S.G. Wheatcroft), The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture, 1931-1933. London and Basingstoke: Macmillan Palgrave. Vol. 6 (with Oleg Khlevniuk and S.G. Wheatcroft), Purges, Growth and the Threat of War, 1934-1937, is in preparation.
- Davies, R.W. 1993. "Soviet Military Expenditure and the Armaments Industry, 1929-33: a Reconsideration." Europe-Asia Studies, 45(4), 577-608.
- Davies, R.W., and Mark Harrison. 1997. The Soviet Military-Economic Effort under the Second Five-Year Plan (1933-1937). Europe-Asia Studies, 49(3), 369-406.
- Davies, R.W., and Oleg Khlevnyuk. 1999. The End of Rationing in the Soviet Union, 1934-1935. Europe-Asia Studies, 51(4), 557-610.
- Davies, R.W., and Oleg Khlevnyuk. 1999. Otmena kartochnoi sistemy v SSSR. 1934-1935 gody. Otechestvennaia istoriia, no. 5, 87-108.
- Davies, R.W., and Oleg Khlevnyuk. 2002. Stakhanovism and the Soviet Economy. Europe-Asia Studies, 54(6), 867-903.
- Ertz, Simon. 2005. Trading Effort for Freedom: Workday Credits in the Soviet Camp System. Comparative Economic Studies, 47:2, 476-491.
- Filtzer, Don. 1999. The Standard of Living of Soviet Industrial Workers in the Immediate Postwar Period, 1945-1948. Europe-Asia Studies, 51(6), 1013-1038.
- Filtzer, Don. 2002. Soviet Workers and Late Stalinism: Labour and the Restoration of the Stalinist System after World War II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Gorlizki, Yoram. 1999. Rules, Incentives, and Soviet Campaign Justice after World War II. Europe-Asia Studies, 51(7), 1245-1266.
- Gorlizki, Yoram. 2001. Stalin's Cabinet: the Politburo and Decision-Making in the Post-War Years. Europe-Asia Studies, 53(2), 291-312.
- Gorlizki, Yoram. 2002. Ordinary Stalinism: the Council of Ministers and the Soviet Neopatrimonial State, 1946-1953. Journal of Modern History, 74(4), 699-736.
- Gorlizki, Yoram, and Oleg Khlevniuk. 2004. Cold Peace: Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945-1953. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Gregory, Paul R. 2001. Behind the Facade of Stalin's Command Economy: Evidence from the State and Party Archives. Hoover Institution Press.
- Gregory, Paul R. 2003. Soviet Defence Puzzles: Archives, Strategy, and Underfulfillment. Europe-Asia Studies, 55(6), 923-38.
- Gregory, Paul R. 2003. The Political Economy of Stalinism: Evidence from the Soviet Secret Archives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Gregory, Paul R., and Valery Lazarev. 2002. The Wheels of a Command Economy: Allocating Soviet Vehicles. Economic History Review, 55(2), 324-48.
- Gregory, Paul R., and Aleksei Tikhonov. 2000. Central Planning and Unintended Consequences: Creating the Soviet Financial System, 1930-1939. Journal of Economic History, 60(4).
- Gregory, Paul R., and Mark Harrison. 2005. Allocation Under Dictatorship: Research in Stalin's Archives. Journal of Economic Literature 43:3, pp. 721-61.
- Gregory, Paul R., and Mark Harrison. 2006. Accumulation and Labor Coercion Under Late Stalinism. In Rossiia v kontekste mirovogo ekonomicheskogo razvitiia vo vtoroi polovine XX veka [Russia in the Context of World Economic Development in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century], pp. 308-324. Edited by V.A. Vinogradov and 14 others. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2006.
- Harrison, Mark. 1996. Accounting for War: Soviet Production, Employment, and the Defence Burden, 1940-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Harrison, Mark. 1998. Prices, Planners, and Producers: an Agency Problem in Soviet Industry, 1928-1950. Journal of Economic History, 58(4), 1032-62.
- Harrison, Mark. 2002. Real'nyi rost, skrytaia infliatsiia, i planovye tseny produktsii promyshlennosti SSSR v 1928-1950 gody. In L.I. Borodkin, ed., Ekonomicheskaia istoriia. Ezhegodnik. 2001, 293-336. Moscow State University Centre for Economic History: Moscow.
- Harrison, Mark. 2003. The Political Economy of a Soviet Military R&D Failure: Steam Power for Aviation, 1932 to 1939. Journal of Economic History, 63(1), 178-212.
- Harrison, Mark. 2003. Soviet Industry and the Red Army Under Stalin: A Military-Industrial Complex? Les Cahiers du Monde russe, 44(2-3, Les pratiques administratives en Union soviétique, 1920-1960), 323-42.
- Harrison, Mark. 2005. The Fundamental Problem of Command: Plan and Compliance in a Partially Centralised Economy. Comparative Economic Studies 47:2, pp. 296-314.
- Harrison, Mark. 2005. A Soviet Quasi-Market for Inventions: Jet Propulsion, 1932 to 1946. Research in Economic History 23, pp. 1-59.
- Harrison, Mark. 2005. The USSR and Total War: Why Didn't the Soviet Economy Collapse in 1942? In A World at Total War: Global Conflict and the Politics of Destruction, 1939-1945, pp. 137-156. Edited by Roger Chickering, Stig Förster, and Bernd Greiner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Harrison, Mark. 2005. Stalin and Our Times. In Stalin: His Times and Ours, pp. 67-84. Edited by Geoffrey Roberts. Dublin: Irish Association for Russian and East European Studies.
- Harrison, Mark. 2005. "Economic Information in the Life and Death of the Soviet Command System." In Reinterpreting the End of the Cold War: Issues, Interpretations, Periodizations, pp. 93-115. Edited by Silvio Pons and Federico Romero. London: Frank Cass, 2005.
- Harrison, Mark, and Byung-Yeon Kim. 2006. "Plans, Prices, and Corruption: The Soviet Firm Under Partial Centralization, 1930 to 1990." Journal of Economic History 66:1, pp. 1-41.
- Heinzen, James. 2004. Inventing a Socialist Countryside: The Soviet State and the Transformation of Rural Russia before Collectivization (University of Pittsburgh Press).
- Heinzen, James. 2005. Corruption in the Gulag: Dilemmas of Officials and Prisoners. Comparative Economic Studies, 47:2, pp. 446-475.
- Heinzen, James. "Bribery, Law, and Everyday Practice in the Late Stalinist USSR." Forthcoming in Slavic Review.
- Heinzen, James. “Informants and the State under Late Stalinism: Informant Networks and Crimes against ‘Socialist Property.’” Forthcoming in Kritika: Explorations in Russian History.
- Heinzen, James. 2006. "A campaign spasm: Graft and the Limits of the ‘Campaign’ against Bribery after the Great Patriotic War." In Late Stalinist Russia: Society between Reconstruction and Development, 123-141. Edited by Juliane Fürst (Routledge).
- Heinzen, James. 2005. "The Prisoner’s Dilemma: Corruption and Informants in the Gulag, Comparative Economic Systems 47:2 (June, 2005), 456-475. Translated into Russian in Ekonomika prinuditel’nogo truda (Rosspen Press, Moscow), 157-73. Edited by Leonid Borodkin, Paul Gregory, and Oleg Khlevniuk.
- Heywood, A.J. 1999. Modernising Lenin’s Russia: Economic Reconstruction, Foreign Trade and the Railways. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Heywood, A.J. 2000/01. Iu.V. Lomonosov and the Science of Locomotive Testing in Russia: First Steps, 1895-1901. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, vol. 72, no. 1, 1-15.
- Heywood, A.J. 2001/02. Iu.V. Lomonosov and the Science of Locomotive Testing in Russia: Consolidation, Methodology and Impact, 1908-17. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, vol. 72, no. 2, 269-93.
- Heywood, A.J. 2002. Iu.V. Lomonosov and Locomotive Testing in Russia, 1898-1926. In Parovozy, Vol. 2, Elements of Locomotive Development in Russia and the USSR, pp., 4-15. Edited by K.R. Chester. Skipton: Trackside Publications.
- Ilic, Melanie. 1999), Women Workers in the Soviet Interwar Economy: From "Protection" to "Equality", Macmillan
- Ilic, Melanie. 2000), The Great Terror in Leningrad: a quantitative analysis. Europe-Asia Studies 52(8), 1515-34
- Ilic, Melanie. 2001), ed., Women in the Stalin Era, Palgrave
- Khlevniuk, O.V., I. Gorlitskii [Y. Gorlizki], L.P. Kosheleva, A.I. Miniuk, M.Iu. Prozumenshchikov, L.A. Rogovaia, and S.V. Somonova, eds. 2002. Politbiuro TsK VKP(b) i Sovet Ministrov SSSR. 1945-1953. Moscow: ROSSPEN.
- Khlevniuk, Oleg V. 2003. Sistema tsentr-regiony v 1930-1950-e gody. Predposylki politizatsii nomenklatury. Les Cahiers du Monde russe 44 (2-3, Les pratiques administratives en Union soviétique, 1920-1960), 253-268.
- Kim, Byung-Yeon. 1997. Soviet Household Saving Function." Economics of Planning 30(2-3), 181-203.
- Kim, Byung-Yeon. 2002. Causes of Repressed Inflation in the Soviet Consumer Market: Retail Price Subsidies, the Siphoning Effect, and the Budget Deficit. Economic History Review 55(1), 105-127.
- Lazarev, Valery, and Paul R. Gregory. 2003. Commissars and Cars: A Case Study in the Political Economy of Dictatorship. Journal of Comparative Economics, 31(1), 1-19.
- Markevich, A.M. 2003. Byla li sovetskaia ekonomika planovoi? Planirovanie v sovetskikh narkomatakh v 1930-e gody. In L.I. Borodkin, ed., Ekonomicheskaia istoriia. Ezhegodnik. 2003 [Economic History: A Yearbook, 2003], 000-000. Moscow: ROSSPEN.
- Markevich, Andrei. 2005 Soviet Planning Archives: The Files That Bergson Could Not See." Comparative Economic Studies, 47:2, pp. 364-386.
- Markevich, Andrei, and Mark Harrison. 2006. Quality, Experience, and Monopoly: the Soviet Market for Weapons Under Stalin. Economic History Review 59:1 (2006), pp. 113-142.
- Rees, E.A., ed. 1997. Decision–Making in the Stalinist Command Economy, 1932-1937. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
- Rees, E.A., ed. 2002. Centre-Local Relations in the Stalinist State, 1928-1941. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Rees, E.A., ed. 2004. The Nature of Stalin's Dictatorship: The Politburo, 1924-1953. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Samuelson, Lennart. 1996. Soviet Defence Industry planning: Tukhachevskii and Military-Industrial Mobilisation. Stockholm School of Economics.
- Samuelson, Lennart. 2000. Plans for Stalin’s War Machine: Tukhachevskii and Military–Economic Planning, 1925-1941. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
- Sokolov, Andrei. 2005. Before Stalinism: the Defence Industry of Soviet Russia in the 1920s. Comparative Economic Studies 47:2, pp. 437-455.
- Watson, Derek. 1996. Molotov and Soviet Government: Sovnarkom 1930-1941. Macmillan
- Watson, Derek. 1998. STO (The Council of Labour and Defence) in the 1930s. Europe-Asia Studies 50(7), 1203-1227,
- Watson, Derek. 2000. Molotov’s Apprenticeship in Foreign Policy: the Triple Alliance Negotiations in 1939. Europe-Asia Studies 52(4), 695-722,
- Watson, Derek. 2002. Molotov, The Making of the Grand Alliance and the Second Front, 1939-1942. Europe-Asia Studies 54(1), 51-85.
- Wheatcroft, S.G., ed. 2002. Challenging Traditional Views of Russian History. Basingstoke: Palgrave.