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University of Warwick named as one of UK’s best in the 2023 Good University Guide

The University of Warwick has further cemented its position as one of the UK’s best universities - after being ranked 9th overall by The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2023. Both Business, management and marketing and Economics were ranked 1st in the UK, and Philosophy 5th, making Warwick an excellent University for the study of EPP.

Thu 22 Sept 2022, 10:09 | Tags: Economics, Homepage, Philosophy, WBS

University of Warwick's Professor Andrew Oswald named as 'Nobel Prize class’ researcher

Professor Andrew Oswald, Professor of Economics and Behavioural Science at the University of Warwick, has been named a Citation Laureate by the prestigious Institute of Scientific Information, for his pioneering contributions to the economics of happiness and well-being.

Thu 22 Sept 2022, 09:55 | Tags: Economics, Homepage

New research into threat posed to climate change policies by the rise of the populist right

Climate policies could be the next target for right-wing populist parties as the cost of energy soars, researchers into the links between climate policy and political parties warn.

Newly published researchLink opens in a new window from the University of Warwick and the University of Sussex Business School reveals that the influence of left-of-centre parties increase the strength of a government’s climate policy score by about 22% relative to the average score while the influence of right-wing populist parties leads to a 24% reduction relative to the same average.

Thu 21 Apr 2022, 15:54 | Tags: Economics, Homepage, WBS

Subsidy would improve fruit and veg intake by as much as 15%, say economists

High fixed costs for retailing fresh fruit and vegetables means that they cost 40% more than would be efficient, unlike unhealthy alternatives, which trade close to marginal cost, a new study by Warwick Economists demonstrates.

Thu 07 Apr 2022, 10:09 | Tags: Economics, Homepage

Expert Comment: COP26 Reflection

Dr Lory Barile, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, comments on what she has learned as one of the University of Warwick delegates to the COP26 conference:-

"As behavioural finance teaches us, people tend to avoid negative or dangerous information. Like ostriches, we 'bury our heads in the sand’. Negative feelings and pessimism paralyse the world. However, hopefulness and confidence about our future world and positiveness about the green revolution may be strong incentives for us to become agents of change."

Tue 16 Nov 2021, 12:11 | Tags: Economics, Homepage

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