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Dr Deirdre Hughes submits evidence on Careers Guidance for Young People to Education Select Committee

Read a synthesis of written evidence submitted to the Education Select Committee on Careers Guidance for Young People written by Dr Deirdre Hughes. This synthesis paper distils 'hard facts' contained in written evidence submitted to the Education Select Committee. It does not do full justice to the actual content and richness contained in each submission, particularly in relation to qualitative data. Instead, it is designed as an
'aide memoir', to individuals and organisations, featuring available facts and figures to inform new investments in careers guidance. The contents highlight similar and differing perspectives of young people's careers support needs; the requirement for improvements in careers support systems; and most importantly, the huge potential of young people now and in the future as they have to adapt in a rapidly changing global economy.

Fri 25 Jan 2013, 15:47 | Tags: young people, career guidance, evidence

STEM Careers learning module launched

Please have a look at the STEM Careers learning module. This is work in progress so we would value any feedback.

Fri 30 Sept 2011, 17:54 | Tags: STEM, module

ESRC seminar on Digital technologies to be held at UWS

The fourth ESRC seminar in the series on careers, will be hosted by the University of West of Scotland, Glasgow, on 29th November, 2011. The seminar title is: ‘Digital technologies: exploring emerging and potential uses to deliver enhanced careers practice’. A number of ICT and guidance experts will present, including Dr. Raimo Vuorinen, from Finland, whose presentation title will be: ‘The perceived role of technology and social media in career guidance among practitioners who are experienced internet users: chances and challenges’. As the detailed programme for the day firms up, will available shortly on the seminar website. For more information or to be added to the mailing list contact

Tue 27 Sept 2011, 10:22 | Tags: ESRC, technology

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