JILT 2000 (3)
Refereed Articles
What is a Signature?
Chris Reed -
Electronic Commerce: Who Carries the Risk of Fraud?
Nicholas Bohm, Ian Brown, Brian Gladman -
A Law of the Internet? Attempts to Regulate Electronic Commerce
Frank Diedrich -
Liability of Internet Service Providers for Defamation in the US and Britain: Same Competing Interests, Different Responses
Michael Deturbide -
Defamation Law in Turmoil:The Challenges Presented by the Internet
Russell L Weaver -
Software Patents Pending?
Robin Widdison -
An Automatic System for Collecting Crime Information on the Internet
Patrick Chen -
A Legal Retrieval Information System
Kevin Curran, Lee Higgins -
Huddersfield's Electronically-delivered PgDL(CPE) Course, Part Two
John Fairhurst
The European Union Takes Initiative in the Field of E-Commerce
Julia Hörnle -
Extra Armoury for Consumers:The New Distance Selling Regulations
Aron Youngerwood and Sunwinder Mann -
Introduction to Legal Citations
Philip Leith -
Obstacles to Citation Reform
Lynn Foster -
Cultural Considerations Behind Neutral Citations for the International Legal Community
Bruce Kennedy -
The Automatic Linking of Legal Citations
Justin Needle
Work in Progress
ALICE in Cyberland: Computer Support for Lawyers in a Global Economy
Burkhard Schafer
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