Call for Papers: Southern Perspectives on Border Control
The European Society of Criminology will be hosting an online event from 8-11 November 2021. Border Criminologies is inviting submissions for papers to organise one or two panels within this conference.
Ana Aliverti awarded the prestigious BJC Radzinowicz Prize 2020
The Criminal Justice Centre's co-Director, Ana Aliverti, has received the prestigious 2020 Radzinowics Prize, awarded by the British Journal of Criminology. The Prize is awarded annually for the BJC article from the latest volume which, in the opinion of the Editor-in-Chief and Editors, has made the greatest contribution to the development of criminology. More information can be found here. Ana was awarded the Prize for her article, ‘Benevolent Policing? Vulnerability and the Moral Pains of Border Controls’ (2020) British Journal of Criminology 60(5):1175-1135.
This article reports on a large-scale ethnographic study on immigration-police collaboration in everyday policing. Drawing on this unique dataset, it explores a largely neglected aspect in the policing literature: the growing emphasis on safeguarding and protection. The paper makes an important contribution to the sociology of punishment and the policing literature by assessing how punitive and humanitarian rationales and logics dovetail in the exercise of state coercion in the context of growing global interdependence and profound geopolitical inequalities. It sheds light on the ‘moral pains’ of border controls and their disruptive potential.
The full article can be found here.
Many congratulations, Ana!
Workshop on Prisons and Memory (Wednesday 24 January 2018)
A workshop titled "The (un)forgotten: Looking back in hope and anger at juvenile LWOP offenders in the US, an archaeology of hope in the shadow of prison" with Sarah Colvin (Cambridge) and Evi Girling (Keele) shall be held tomorrow (Wednesday) 24 January 2018 from 1.00 – 3.00pm at the Wolfson Research Exchange. Lunch will be provided. Those interested are requested to register, including dietary requirements by contacting Tracy Smith at
Conference Call - ‘Punishment: Negotiating Society’ at Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS-REMEP) has issued a call for papers for its upcoming conference titled ‘Punishment: Negotiating Society’. The conference shall be held at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany on 14 – 16 February 2018. Professor John Pratt as the keynote speaker of the conference shall be speaking on “The end of penal populism; the rise of political populism?”
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 31 December 2017. Further details can be accessed here.
CJC Director Dr Ana Aliverti wins prestigious Philip Leverhulme Prize in Law
The PLP is awarded to scholars who have made and continue to make significant and original contributions to knowledge in their field of research, and who have influenced their field sufficiently to have had an international impact. In 2017, up to 30 awards were made to UK-based outstanding research scholars within six subject areas. Ana won one of the five Prizes for Law. Congratulations to Dr. Ana Aliverti!