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Call for Abstracts: Special Issue International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice

Call for abstracts for the special issue "The politics of (in)formality in criminal procedures"

International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice (peer-reviewed, open access possible)


The tension between formality and informality is intrinsic to the implementation of criminal law. Criminal procedures in fact always happen on a continuum between formality and informality, where the different actors involved (police officers and other street-level bureaucrats, prosecutors, judges, experts, defense lawyers, etc.) continuously perform and negotiate (in)formality. In this special issue, we aim to explore these “politics of (in)formality” in different criminal law settings and from different disciplinary perspectives.



Please send your abstract (max. 300 words) to the guest editors Kei Hannah Brodersen ( and Damian Rosset (

Deadline for submission of abstract: 1 November 2021 (24:00h CEST).


A selection will be made soon thereafter. The journal submission deadline is 31 March 2021.


Wed 13 Oct 2021, 10:45 | Tags: call for papers, Criminal Justice, criminal law, journal