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Re-imagine the future.
Sam Adelman speaks in film about reimagining the future of the planet and rethinking the economy and ecology.

Thu 20 Oct 2016, 11:21

International Economic Law in Context Workshop Series

The Centre for the Law, Regulation and Governance of the Global Economy (GLOBE) is pleased to announce the launch of the International Economic Law in Context Workshop Series.

The objective of this workshop series is to explore the interdisciplinary and contextual nature of contemporary scholarship in international economic law (IEL), broadly defined. We hope that the workshops organised under the series will foster greater collaboration among researchers of international economic law whose scholarship straddle interdisciplinary boundaries and whose conceptual approaches draw from multiple empirical, theoretical and methodological traditions.

The workshop series is supported by the Society for Legal Scholars (SLS), the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) and the Warwick Law School. Individual workshops within the series may be further supported by and/or co-sponsored with other organisations.

For further details, please visit the workshop website or email:

Thu 10 Dec 2015, 08:43

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