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Warwick academic offers his views on May’s Brexit negotiations with foreign investors

On Thursday 8 February, Warwick Law’s Dr Andreas Kokkinis was interviewed briefly by TRT World as part of their Money Talks show. The interview focused on the meeting that PM Theresa May had attended that same day with Japanese investors. Andreas explained why loss of access to the common market would be damaging for Japanese car manufacturers in the UK – and other companies – and therefore the challenge the UK faces regarding its continuing ability to attract and retain non-EU investment.

Wed 14 Feb 2018, 15:57 | Tags: GLOBE, Brexit

New Blog by Lorenzo Cotula and Celine on PPPs and Development's 'Private Turn'

GLOBE Centre’s Visiting Fellow, Dr Lorenzo Cotula, who is Princiapl Researcher at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and GLOBE Centre Director, Dr Celine Tan, Associate Professor at Warwick Law School, have published a new blog on 'Public-Private Partnerships and Aid's 'Private Turn': Addressing the Investment Law Dimensions' as part of their larger project on regulating Aid Investments in Development (RAID), conducted with the assistance of Chris Tassis, PhD candidate at Warwick Law School. The blog argues that private turn in development policy and practice brings development finance into closer contact with global economic governance instruments typically associated with commercial activities, including international investment agreemements. It creates new challenges for the interface between development policy and the law governing foreign investment, ultimately affecting the extent to which public action can advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

GLOBE Centre launches Policy Brief Series

The Centre for Law, Regulation and Governance of the Global Economy (GLOBE) at Warwick Law School launched a Policy Brief Series on 5 February 2018.

The series aims to provide short, policy-relevant briefings on issues of public interest and contemporary concerns within the GLOBE Centre’s thematic areas, written by GLOBE Centre colleagues. The series supports the GLOBE Centre’s objective of disseminating our academic research in an accessible and relevant manner to broader audiences, including policymakers, the media, civil society groups and the general public. Each Policy Brief in the series will be based on the author’s current or recently published research and authors can be contacted for further information about the issues raised.

The GLOBE Centre, launched in 2014, is a research and public engagement centre that brings together staff and postgraduate students working in areas of international economic law, business and commercial law, corporate governance and financial regulation. It provides a platform for hosting external scholars, policymakers and early career researchers in related fields at Warwick. The Centre also acts as a focal point for teaching and research on our specialised postgraduate taught and research degree programmes.

andreasSeries editor, Dr Andreas Kokkinis, Assistant Professor at Warwick Law School says that he hopes the series will contribute to bridging the gap between academia and policy making, thus improving the factual base on which crucial policy decisions are made. “We are delighted to be launching the GLOBE Centre Policy Brief Series. Our Policy Briefs will be focusing on current and forthcoming issues of public policy, drawing on cutting-edge research undertaken by the GLOBE members and aiming at a broad policy and regulatory audience. I would like to thank Research Retold Ltd, the specialist consultancy which helped us create the series, and Ms Mihaela Gruia personally, for their excellent support and advice. I would also like to thank Warwick Law School for their generous financial support, without which this project would not have been feasible.”

Dr Kokkinis is author of the first Policy Brief, which will focus on the regulatory impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union on the UK’s services sector and contains recommendations on policy options for Brexit negotiations and beyond. The Policy Brief is based on his paper, ‘The Impact of Brexit on the Legal Framework for Cross- Border Corporate Activity’ in the European Business Law Review, Vol 27, Issue 1 (2016).


GLOBE Centre Director, Dr Celine Tan, Associate Professor at Warwick Law School says that the series will be an exciting platform for colleagues to think through the broader policy implications of their research and convey these ideas through a medium that is accessible and relevant to non-academic audiences. “Our colleagues are doing excellent research and we need to have a way of communicating this research in a way that matters for people who are making decisions and confronting the challenges facing us as a society, both locally, nationally and internationally. We hope this series will offer this opportunity to share our research with policymakers, advocates, the media and the public at large.”



The policy briefs will be published electronically and will be made available online.

There will also be a limited print run of each policy brief in the series.

For more information visit:

Read the article published by the University Press Office.

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