CSGR Tenth Anniversary Conference
CSGR / GARNET Conference
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of CSGR and the 2nd Annual Meeting of GARNET
17 - 19 September 2007
To mark, and celebrate, its first decade of path-breaking work the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (CSGR) convened a major international conference on building legitimate authority in global and regional governance in cooperation with GARNET, the EU-funded Network of Excellence on Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: The Role of the EU. The more globalised and regionalised world of the twenty-first century clearly needs substantial elements of global and regional regulation. However, shortfalls in the legitimacy of these institutions have become ever more apparent, to the point even of challenging their long-term viability.
CSGR and GARNET therefore invite friends old and new to a searching, international, innovative exploration of how global and regional governance might be made more legitimate. How should we conceive of legitimacy when it comes to regulation beyond the state? What types of indicators and measures could allow us to assess the legitimacy of global and regional authorities? What sorts of institutional reforms could promote greater legitimacy in global and regional governance agencies? What kinds of political campaigns and strategies (for example, via civil society groups, corporate responsibility, courts, mass media, parliaments, parties, etc.) could achieve more legitimate global and regional arrangements?
Global Digital Divide Workshop
Email: CSGRGarnet@warwick.ac.uk