GR:EEN-GEM PhD Summer School
The Externalisation of the EU's Policies through: Multilateral Governance, Interregionalism & Global Networks
@ IEE-ULB, Brussels (August 31st - September 5th 2014)
-- Deadline June 30TH 2014 --
The Full Call is available: 

Applications are to be send in before the deadline to: emundgem at ulb dot ac dot be
The Summer school will see a succession of thematic days each focussing on the international implications of the EU's shifting Growth, Trade and Regulatory strategies, notably in the wkae of the recent Eurozone Crisis.
Over the week-long event, the Summer School will borach a wide range of interdisciplinary questions including: (1) From Doha to Bali: What Future for the Global Trade System; (2) Networking Complexity: Which Role for Networks in the Governance of International Flows; (3) Competitive Liberalisation: Implications of Multi-polarity for Global Negotiations; and (4) Quo Vadis the EU? What Negotiations and Externalisation Strategies?
Each theme will be the object of a given doctoral workshop covering a series of 45min ses¬sions, which will alternatively include either a lecture by a key academics from Europe and beyond; or a roundtable debate on one/two selected PhD paper(s).
For further information on the Summer School, please visit the full website
GEM PhD Textbook
this publication is the product of a series of GEM PhD Summer Schools on "Globalisation, Europe & Multilateralism" which have seen over its decade long existence:about 400 PhD students pass through its hallways; discussed nearly 15 themes each offering a distinct focus on a subset of the broader debates surround Globalisation and Europe; and utlimately allowinf for the publicationn of a dedicated Textbook which brings some of the perspective resulting from this ongoing dialogue within a global epistemic community.
‘This may be the most multi-dimensional textbook in international politics ever published. Its multiple authors
are multi-cultural and even multi-continental; its approach is multi-disciplinary and multi-layered; its topics are
multi-lateralism and multi-polarism; its units of analysis are multi-regional and multi-functional; its observations are
multi-faceted and multi-cautious. If this were not enough, they are all brought to bear on the multi-ambiguous process
of globalization! Nevertheless, it does manage to present a coherent and challenging message to the advanced student
of political science - whether he or she is interested in the national, regional of global level of aggregation. This owes a
great deal to the exceptional quality of its contributors and the innovative program that brought them together.’
Philippe C. Schmitter, European University Institute, Italy