GR:EEN and Current Affairs
Mark Beeson writes in The Australian
Diane Stone and Mark Beeson, UWA, write in Australian Financial Review
Oz Hassan, Warwick, published in the Knowlegde Centre
Fraser Cameron, EU-Asia Centre (GR:EEN IAB), op-ed in New Europe
Stuart Croft, Warwick
Mark Beeson, UWA, writes in The Age
Stephen Kingah, UNU-CRIS, writes in Trade Negotiation Insight, 10(4) (2011)
Antonio Villafranca, ISPI, writes in Europe's World
Arturo Varvelli, ISPI, writes in Brookings
The Libyan Crisis Seen from European Capitals
Arturo Varvelli, ISPI, interviewed in The New York Times on EU-Libya relations
Italian Business Faces Lose-Lose Situation in Libya
Luk Van Langenhove, UNU-CRIS, writes in Europe's World
The Upgrade of the EU in the UN and the Changing Nature of Multilateralism
Stuart Croft and Oz Hassan, GR:EEN work package 4, respond to the recent death of Osama Bin Laden
The Death of Bin Laden: Implications for Europe