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A selection of non-GR:EEN specific work by our contributing scholars.
- Alden, C. and Soko, M.
Alden, C. and Soko, M., (2005) 'South Africa's Economic Relations with Africa: Hegemony and its Discontents', The Journal of Modern African Studies, Volume 43, Issue 3, pp. 367-392
- Armstrong, K., Begg, I., & Zeitlin, J.
Armstrong, K., Begg, I., & Zeitlin, J., (2008) 'JCMS Symposium: EU Governance After Lisbon', Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 46, Issue 2, pp. 413-450
- Bled, Amandine
Bled, A.J., (2010) 'Technological Choices in International Environmental Negotiations: an Actor-Network Analysis', Business & Society, 49 (4), p. 570-590.
- Bled, Amandine,.
Bled, A., (2007) 'Global Environmental Politics: Regulation for or against the Private Sector? The case of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety', Political Perspectives, CIP, vol.1, 22p.
- Bled, Amandine.
Bled, A. (2009) 'Business participation to global biodiversity governance: challenging theory with empirical data', Brazilian Journal of Environmental and Social Management, 3(2): 75-91.
- Bled, Amandine..
Bled, A. 'The Legitimacy of Private Sector's Involvement in Global Environmental Regimes: The Case of the Convention on Biological Diversity', Garnet Working Paper Series, n°2908, p27
- Bled, Amandine, J.
Bled, A.J. (2009) 'Business to the rescue: private sector actors and global environmental regimes' legitimacy', International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 9(2): 153-171
- Breslin, S. and Higgott, R.
Breslin, S. & Higgott, R. (2000) 'Studying Regions: Learning from the Old, Constructing the New', New Political Economy, Volume 5, Number 3, pp. 333-352
- Breslin, Shaun
Breslin, Shaun (2010) China’s emerging global role: dissatisfied responsible great power for a Special Issue of Politics celebrating 60 years of the Political Studies Association.
- Broome, A. and Seabrooke, L.
Broome, A. and L. Seabrooke (2008) ‘The IMF and Experimentalist Governance in Small Western States’, The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, Volume 97, Issue 395, pp. 205-26.
- Compagnon, D. and Bled, A.
Compagnon, D. and Bled, A. (2011) 'Lobbying industriel et accords multilatéraux d’environnement. Illustration par le changement climatique et la biosécurité', Revue française de science politique, 61(2), p. 231-248
- Costea, A.C. and Van Langenhove, L.
Costea, A.C. & Van Langenhove, L. (2007) 'EU's Foreign Policy Identity: from 'New Regionalism' to Third Generation Regionalism?' in Jessica Bain and Martin Holland (eds), European Union Identity, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 86-104
- Draper, P. & Soko, M.
Draper, P. & Soko, M., (2004) 'Prospects for the SACU-US FTA', in SA Yearbook of International Affairs 2003/4, SAIIA, pp. 189-197
- Harrington, Brooke
Harrington, B. (2009) Deception: From Ancient Empires to Internet Dating, Stanford University Press
- Herrigel, G. & Zeitlin, J.
Herrigel, G. & Zeitlin, J., (2010) 'Alternatives to Varieties of Capitalism', in '"Varieties of Capitalism" Roundtable', Business History Review, Volume 84, pp. 667-674
- Kingah, Sevidzem Stephen
Kingah, Sevidzem Stephen, (2006)'The African Union's Capacity in Promoting Good Governance', International Organizations Law Review, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 317-340
- Kingah, S.S.
Kingah, S.S., (2006) 'The European Union's New Africa Strategy: Grounds for Cautious Optimisim', European Foreign Affairs Review, Volume 11, Issue 4, pp 527-553
- Kingah, S.S., Smis, S., Soderbaum, F.
Kingah, S.S., Smis, S., Soderbaum, F., (2008) 'How Countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) can use the World Trade Organisation and the European Community Flexibilities for Better Access to Affordable HIV/AIDS Medicines', pp. 270-302 in Bosl, A., and Hartzenburg, T. (2009), Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa Yearbook, Volume 8, Republic of South Africa
- Kingah, Stephen
Kingah, S.S., (2006) 'The Revised Cotonou Agreement Between the European Community and the African, Caribbean and Pacific States: Innovations on Security, Political Dialogue, Transparency, Money and Social Responsibility', Journal of African Law, Volume 50, Issue 1, pp. 59-71
- Morin, Jean-Frédéric
Morin, Jean-Frédéric. The Life-Cycle of Transnational Issues: Lessons from the Access to Medicines Controversy, Université libre de Bruxelles
- Morin, J.F., Orsini, A.
Morin, J.F. and Orsini, A., (2011) 'Linking Regime Complexity to Policy Coherency. The Case of Genetic Resources', GR:EEN Working Paper Series, n°15.
- Newell, P. and Tussie, D.
- Newell, P. and Tussie D., (2006) 'Civil Society Participation in Trade Policy-making in Latin America: Reflections and Lessons', IDS Working Paper 267, University of Sussex
- Orsini, Amandine
Orsini, A. (2011) 'Thinking transnationally, acting individually: business lobby coalitions in international environmental negotiations', Global Society, 25(3), 311-329
- Pre-chewed Politics
Providing digestible A-level Politics resources- www.prechewedpolitics.co.uk
- Roe, P
Roe, P., (2000) 'Former Yugoslavia: The Security Dilemma That Never Was?' European Journal of International Relations, Volume 6, Issue 3, pg 373.
- Roe, P,
Roe, P., (1999) 'The Intrastate Security Dilemma: Ethnic Conflict as a 'Tragedy'?' Journal of Peace Research Volume 36, Issue 2, pp. 183-202
- Roe, P.
Roe, P., (2001) 'Actors' Responsibility in 'Tight', 'Regular' or 'Loose' Security Dilemmas', Security Dialogue, Volume 32, Issue 1, pp. 103-116.
- Roe, Paul
Roe, P.. (2008) 'Actor, Audience(s) and Emergency Measures: Securitization and the UK's Decision to Invade Iraq.' Security Dialogue, Volume 39, Issue 6, pp. 615-635.
- Roe, Paul,
Roe, P.. (2004) 'Which Security Dilemma? Mitigating Ethnic Conflict: The Case of Croatia', Security Studies, Volume 13, Issue 4, pp. 280-313.
- Roe, Paul.
Roe, P., (2008) 'The 'Value' of Positive Security', Review of International Studies, Volume 34, Issue 4, pp. 777-794
- Roe, Paul;
Roe, P.. (2004) 'Securitization and Minority Rights: Conditions of Desecuritization', Security Dialogue, Volume 35, Issue 3, pp. 279-294.
- Sabel, C.F. & Zeitlin, J
Sabel, C.F. & Zeitlin, J., (2004) 'Neither Modularity nor Relational Contracting: Inter-Firm Collaboration in the New Economy', Enterprise & Society, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 388-403
- Sabel, C.F. & Zeitlin, J.
Sabel, C.F. & Zeitlin, J., (2010) 'Learning from Difference: The New Architecture of Experimentalist Governance in the EU', in Sabel, C.F. and Zeitlin, J., (ed.) Experimentalist Governance in the EU: Towards a New Architecture, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-29
- Seabrooke, L & Tsingou, E
Seabrooke, L. and E. Tsingou. 2009. ‘Power Elites and Everyday Politics in International Financial Reform’, International Political Sociology 3(4): 457-461.
- Smis, S. and Kingah, S.S
Smis, S. and Kingah, S.S., (2008) 'The Utility of Counter-Terrorism and Non-Proliferation of WMD Clauses Under the EU-ACP Revised Cotonou Agreement', International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Volume 57, Issue 1, pp.149-188
- Soderbaum, F. and Van Langenhove, L.
Soderbaum, F. & Van Langenhove, L. (2005) 'Introduction: The EU as a Global Actor and the Role of Interregionalism', Journal of European Integration, Volume 27, Number 3, pp. 249-262
- Soko, M
Soko, M., (2004) 'Regionalism and the WTO: Opportunities and Dangers for Africa', South African Journal of International Affairs, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 31-48
- Soko, M,
Soko, M., (2007) 'IBSA Regional Security Dimensions: The South African Perspective', Policy: Issues and Actors, Volume 20, Issue 6, Centre for Policy Studies.
- Soko, M.
Soko, M., (2010) 'Growing African Trade amid Global Economic Turmoil' in Lehmann, F. and Lehmann, J.P., (ed.) Peace and Prosperity Through World Trade, Cambridge University Press, pp. 64-67
- Soko, M. and Lehmann, J.P.
Soko, M. and Lehmann, J.P., (2011) 'The State of Development in Africa: Concepts, Challenges and Opportunities', Journal of International Relations and Development, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 97-108
- Soko, Mills
Soko, M., (2008) 'Building Regional Integration in Southern Africa: Southern African Customs Union as a Driving Force?', Southern African Journal of International Affairs, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 55-69
- Soko, Mills.
Soko, M., (2005) 'The Political Economy of African Trade in the Twenty-first Century' in Kelly, D. and Grant, W. (ed.) The Politics of International Trade in the Twenty-first Century: Actors, Issues and Regional Dynamics, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 273-294
- Thakur, R. and Van Langenhove, L.
Thakur, R. & Van Langenhove, L. (2006) 'Enhancing Global Governance Through Regional Integration', Global Governance, Volume 12, pp. 233-240
- Tussie, D. and Delich, V.
Tussie, D. and Delich, V., (2004) 'The Political Economy of Dispute Settlement: A Case from Argentina', LATN WP No. 25, FLACSO
- Tussie, D., and Heidrich, P.
Tussie, D. and Heidrich, P. ‘A Tale of Ecumenism and Diversity: Economic and Trade Policies of the New Left’, Working Paper, 19/12/2006
- Van Langenhove, L
Van Langenhove, L (2010) 'The Transformation of Multilateralism Mode 1.0 to Mode 2.0', Global Policy, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 263-270
- Van Langenhove, L.
Van Langenhove, L. (2004) 'Towards a Regional World Order', UN Chronicle, Volume 41, Number 3, September, pp. 12-15
- Van Langenhove, Luk
Van Langenhove, L. (2009) 'The UN Security Council and Regional Organisations: A Difficult Partnership', in: Jan Wouters, Edith Drieskens and Sven Biscop (eds), Belgium in the UN Security Council: Reflections on the 2007-2008 Membership, Intersentia: Antwerp, 2009, pp. 165-174
- Van Langenhove, Luk; Scaramagli, Tiziana
Van Langenhove, L. & Scaramagli, T. (2010) EU-GRASP Working Paper 18: The Social Construction of Human Security
- Van Langenhove, L., Vigilante, A., Fanta, E., Felicio, T., Ferro, M., Scaramagli, T. and Tavares, R.
Van Langenhove, L., Vigilante, A., Fanta, E., Felicio, T., Ferro, M., Scaramagli, T. and Tavares, R. (2009) Garnet Policy Brief no. 9: The Regional Dimension of Human Security. Lessons from the European Union and Other Regional Organisations, Garnet
- Zeitlin, J.
Zeitlin, J., (2003) 'Introduction: Governing Work and Welfare in a New Economy: European and American Experiments' in Zeitlin, J. & Trubek, D.M. (ed.) Governing Work and Welfare in a New Economy: European and American Experiments, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-30