George Christou
George Christou joined the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick, UK in August 2005 where he is now an Associate Lecturer in European Politics. His main research monographs (books) include: 'The New Electronic Market Place: European Governance Strategies in a Globalising Economy' (Edward Elgar, 2007, with S Simpson); 'The European Union and Enlargement: The Case of Cyprus', (Basingstoke: MacMillan-Palgrave, 2004). He has also published in journals such as Governance, Journal of Public Policy, Journal of European Public Policy, International Spectator, Political Geography, European Security and Cooperation and Conflict. He is currently working as part of a Warwick team (led by Prof. Stuart Croft) finishing a three year EU-funded FP7 project on the European Union as a Global-Regional Actor in Peace and Security (EU-GRASP).
He is looking forward to starting work on the 'Global Re-ordering: Evolution through European Networks' (GREEN) project in October 2011. His responsibility will be to analyse the EU’s narrative on human security, which sits very well with his interests on the EU as an External/Security Actor and conflict resolution/transformation of the EU’s neighbourhood.