Mario Telo
Mario Telo, is Vice-President of the Institute for European Studies (IEE), Université Libre de Bruxelles, Professor of International relations and European integration. Director of the PhD School in EU studies, ULB Jean Monnet Chair “ad honorem” and Member of The Royal Academy of Sciences, Belgium since 2007. He was visiting professor in many European , American and East Asian Universities and served as consultant for the EU Commission DG research (2001-2006); the Presidency of the European Union Council in 2000 and 2007, as well as for the European Parliament. Among his 24 books: Europe. A Civilian Power? EU, global governance and world order, Palgrave, 2005 ; European Union and New Regionalism, (ed) Ashgate, 2007 ; International Relations . A European Perspective, Foreword by R.O.Keohane, Ashgate 2009 (in French in 2008 and Mandarin in 2011), and EU and global governance, London, Routledge 2009.
He joined GR:EEN because he is very committed to international cooperation in scientific and higher education: he looks at GR:EEN as an excellent opportunity of both, consolidating the GARNET Network (6th FP coordinated by Warwick ) and its PhD school achievements and complementing the ongoing GEM ( “Globalization Europe multilateralism”), Erasmus Mundus Doctoral global program, including 9 universities ( LUISS, Warwick,Geneva, Fudan-Shanhghai, Waseda-Tokio, ITAM Mexico, UNU CRIS and Boston University) and 30 PhD students, from 2010 to 2015.
He joined GR:EEN as an unique opportunity not only for a well structured and intensive cooperation between European universities and outstanding research institutions from 5 continents, but also for enhancing a theoretical and analytical interplay between European Union studies and International relations, within the current uncertain and unprecedented multipolar context.