Eleni Xiarchogiannopoulou
Eleni Xiarchogiannopoulou is a GR:EEN post-doctoral research fellow at the Institute for European Studies, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. She joined GR:EEN in October 2011 for the project ‘The EU as a Laboratory of Deepening Multilateralism’. Her project examines social conditionality in the EU Generalised System of Preferences. She has also investigated the diffusion of ‘flexicurity’ from the EU to the ILO and co-edited the book ‘The Eurozone Crisis and the Transformation of the EU Governance: Internal and External Implications’, forthcoming in August 2014, Ashgate. Eleni’s broader research interests include discursive institutionalism, narrative analysis, diffusion, external/internal Europeanization, EU governance, Greek politics and Greek pension reform.
Eleni has a PhD in Politics from the University of Exeter, an MA in European Integration from the University of Bradford and a BA in Political Science and International Relations from Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece. Her PhD thesis examined the effectiveness of policy discourse as a consensus building resource in the case of Greek pension reform (1990-2002). Eleni worked at the European Institute, London School of Economics during 2003-2011.
Contact details: Institute for European Studies, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 39 F. D. Roosevelt Avenue CP-172, B-1050, Brussels, Belgium; email: eleni.xiarchogiannopoulou@ulb.ac.be; exiarcho@yahoo.co.uk; office number +32 (0)2/650.42.15.
Forthcoming Publications Edited volumes
Rodrigues, M. and Xiarchogiannopoulou, E. (eds.), The Eurozone crisis and the transformation of the EU governance: external and internal implications, forthcoming in August 2014.
(co-authored with Dimitris Tsarouhas) ‘The EU actorness in the ILO and the diffusion of flexicurity: a case of emulation’, in Orsini-Bled, A. The long-term political action of the EU with (in) international organizations: a framework for analysis, Ashgate, forthcoming in 2014.
‘Assessing the implementation of EU’s ‘social’ trade policy from an external Europeanization perspective. The case of the Generalised System of Preferences, in Maria Joao Rodrigues and Eleni Xiarchogiannopoulou (eds.) The Eurozone crisis and the transformation of the EU governance: external and internal implications, Ashgate, forthcoming in August 2014.
(Co-authored with Maria Joao Rodrigues), ‘Introduction’, Maria Joao Rodrigues and Eleni Xiarchogiannopoulou (eds.) The Eurozone crisis and the transformation of the EU governance: external and internal implications Ashgate, forthcoming in August 2014.
Policy papers & opinions
‘To vote or not to vote? That is not the question’, prepared for Inter Alia Forum of Civic Action, 2013, Athens: Inter Alia.
‘Golden Dawn’s rise illustrates cracks in Greece’s social cohesion’, EUobserver, 10 October 2013, http://euobserver.com/opinion/121720.