CSGR Research Projects 1998
Possible Global Environmental Institutions: Exploring the Developing Country Interests - John Whalley, Ben Lockwood, and Peter Newell
International Institutions in an Era of Globalisation: The Horizontal and Vertical Geometry of Global Policy Competence - David Vines and Ben Zissimos
Renewable Resources, Capital Accumulation and Overlapping Generations - Ted To and Leonard Mirman
Minimum Wages and Trade - Ted To
Inflation, Delegation and Reputation - Ted To and Erkan Yalcin
The Dynamics of Discriminatory Import Policy - Ted To
When and Why do Domestic Respondents Oppose AD Petitions? - Ted To and Jim Cassing
Trans-Regional Policy Communities and the International Political Economy of European Identity - Ben Rosamond
The State and the Provision of Public Goods under Conditions of Globalisation: Asia and Latin America after the Era of the Washington Consensus - Nicola Phillips and Richard Higgott
Financial crises - Marcus Miller
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Duncan Matthews
Globalisation, Japan, and East Asian regional security - Christopher W. Hughes
De Facto Economic Integration and De Jure Institutional Cooperation in the Asia Pacific: Implications for Triadic Relations with Europe and North America - Richard Higgott
Globalisation and the Emergence of Greater China Economic Space: Hong Kong in Transition - Peter Ferdinand
Globalisation, Emerging Markets and Corporate Strategy in East Asia - Shaun Breslin
China Engaged? Globalisation and Regionalisation in the People's Republic of China - Shaun Breslin
Globalisation and Social Exclusion - Lisandro Abrego, Huw Edwards and John Whalley