Localising Economic Control Through Geographical Indications: Examining the Intellectual Property Protection of Feni in Goa, India
This research project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and runs till July 2009. The research adopts a theoretical mix of socio-legal analysis and economic geography to conduct a case study of the intellectual property protection of Feni through Geographical Indications (GIs). Feni is a culturally emblematic alcoholic distillation made either from the apple of the cashew trees or from the sap of coconut palm. Distilled only in Goa there are strong claims for protecting Feni - particularly the cashew version - through GIs. The research focuses on the possibilities of localising economic control through the use of GIs. Equally, in examining the process of securing protection, the research focuses on the collective action problems confronted by producers within and across the supply chain. Further details about the project are available here.
For more information about the project contact Dwijen Rangnekar.
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