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Weaving Global Networks: Handbook for Policy Influence

Weaving Global Networks: Handbook for Policy Influence


Vanesa Weyrauch


CSGR Working Paper 219/07


February 2007






(From Introduction):



Networks are increasingly drawing scholarly and practitioner attention as very effective ways to organise efforts towards achieving certain social agendas. This has even led to the idea of a network society (term coined by Castells in 1996) who argues that the information technology revolution has facilitated the emergence of a new economy, which is structured around flows of information, power and wealth in global financial networks.



The goal of this handbook is two-fold: 1) it aims at contributing towards the systemisation of lessons learned by practitioners from networks of civil society organisations (CSOs) throughout their participation in regional and global for a; and 2) based on these lessons, it seeks to offer some practical tools and guidelines that might help these networks through the use of evidence and knowledge in regional and global public policies and policymaking processes.






Globalisation, global networks, civil society organisations, CSOs, public policies.




Contact Details:


Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (CSGR)


University of Warwick


CV4 7AL Coventry (UK)