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Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation
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Past Visitors
Accounting For Inequality in Transition Economies: An Empirical Assessment of Gloabisation, Institutional Reforms, and Regionalisation.
Analysis of Factors Influencing China's Accession to the GPA.
Can Civil Society Influence G8 Accountability?
Chevron's Seismic Survey, USAID's Nishorgo Project, the Lawachara National Park of Bangladesh: A Critical Review.
Civil Society And IMF Accountability
Civil Society, Accountability And The UN System
Contested Accountability: Civil Society And The International Fair Trade Association.
Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR) in Transnational Spaces:
Cosmopolitanism vs. Terrorism? Discourses of Ethical Possibility Before, and After 7/7.
Euphoria, Risk and Corporate Scandal: Enron and the Commercial Corruption of Expertise within Financialised Capitalism.
Exteriorising Terror: Inside/Outside the Failing State on 7 July 2005
Fear and Market Failure: Global Imbalances and "Self-insurance"
Galvanising Shareholder Activism: a prerequisite for effective corporate governance and accountability in Nigeria
Geneva rhetoric, national reality: Implementing TRIPS obligations in Kenya
Global Governance and the HIV/AIDS Response:
Globalization, Oh That Versatile Villain!
Heterogeneity in the Wage Impacts of Immigrants
International Political Economy, the Globalisation Debate and the Analysis of Globalisation Discourse.
Is Democratisation Bad for Global Warming?
Neither National Boundaries Nor Transnational Social Spaces: Accounting for Variations of CSR Practices in Varieties of Capitalism.
Reconstructing a State's Responsibility to Provide Safety to Its Constituent Population: Globalization, International Population Movements and Transterritorial Public.
Structuring Accountability: Non-Governmental Participation in the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)
Supply Shocks and Currency Crises: The Policy Dilemma Reconsidered
Takeovers and the Evolution of the Electricity Sector in Britain and Spain: The Insights and Limits of the Varieties of Capitalism Perspective
The Chinese Economy: Making A Global Niche
The Commutative Effect and Casuality of Openness and Indigenous Factors Among World Economies
The Governance of the IMF:
Towards a Global Political-Economic Architecture of Environmental Space
Trade Openness and Income Inequality in Developing Countries
Trade policy and wage gradients: evidence from a protectionist turn.
Transnational Philanthropy, Policy Transfer Networks and the Open Society Institute
Trickle down effects of Inter State Migration in a period of high growth in the Indian economy.
Winners Of Globalization
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