Global Governance and the HIV/AIDS Response:
Limitations of Current Approaches and Policies
Marcelo I. Saguier
CSGR Working Paper Series No. 225/07
May 2007
This paper critically examines the constraints of the current global governance of HIV/AIDS to reach the target set by governments and the leading development institutions to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015 as part of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The HIV/AIDS crisis can only be resolved effectively when its nexus with poverty and neo-liberal globalization is acknowledged and addressed by comprehensive and long-term policy responses. Three dimensions of the current global governance of HIV/AIDS are identified as strategically relevant for a reform agenda: first, the democratic deficit of decision making processes and institutions; second, the limited access of sufficient and reliable sources of financial resources and the burden of foreign debt in developing countries; thirdly, the intellectual property rights regime and its effects on the access of anti-retroviral drugs for AIDS treatment.
Key Words: HIV/AIDS epidemic; development; neo-liberal globalization; democratic deficit; foreign debt, TRIPS, anti-retroviral drugs.
Contact Details:
Marcelo I. Saguier
Alvarez Thomas 1738
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
C1427CDR Argentina