BISA US Foreign Policy Working Group Annnual Conference
Dr Homolar chairs the roundtable ‘Constraining American Power: ESRC Future of American Power Project' and presents two papers at the BISA US Foreign Policy Working Group Annnual Conference held at City University London on 14-15 September 2015.
ECPR General Conference 2015 in Montreal
Dr Homolar presents the paper 'Framing Enemies after Obama: The Enduring Patterns of US Presidential Security Rhetoric’ at the ECPR General Conference held at Université de Montréal, 26-29 August 2015. At ECPR, she also chairs the panel ‘Classifying Obama's Foreign Policy’.
Visit to the Jimmy Carter Library
Dr Homolar undertakes archival research at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, Atlanta (Georgia), August 17-20 2015. |
Visit to the Richard Nixon Presidential Library
Dr Homolar undertakes archival research at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, Yorba Linda California (US), 25-28 June and July 6-7, 2015. |
Visit to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
Dr Homolar undertakes archival research at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California (US), from 21-25 June 2015. |
BISA 40 Anniversary Conference: RIS-sponsored panel
Dr Alexandra Homolar presents her forthcoming Review of International Studies article 'Human Security Benchmarks: Governing Human Wellbeing at a Distance' as part of the RIS-sponsored panel The Practice of Global Benchmarking at the BISA 40 Anniversary Conference in London, 16-19 June 2015.
Fellow at the ISPP Summer Academy 2015
Dr Alexandra Homolar has been selected as a fellow at the 2015 Summer Academy of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) in San Diego, 30 June- 2 July 2015. |
Visit to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library
Dr Homolar undertakes archival research at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park, New York (US), from 25-29 May 2015. |
Visit to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
Dr Homolar undertakes archival research at the John F. Kennedt Presidential Library in Boston, Massachusetts (US), from 18 - 22 May 2015. |
Visit to the William J. Clinton Presidential Library
Dr Homolar undertakes archival research at the William J. Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas (US), from 19 -24 April 2015. |
Discursive Authority: Language as Leverage in Security Policymaking Processes
Paper presentation by Dr Alexandra Homolar at the 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) in San Diego, 3-6 July 2015. |
Dividing the World: Narratives as Security Policy Drivers
Paper presentation by Dr Alexandra Homolar at the 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) in San Diego, 3-6 July 2015. |
Is Economic Security Bunk?
Paper presentation by Dr Alexandra Homolar at the New Directions in International Political Economy Conference, University of Warwick, 13-15 May 2015. See: |
SISAW Annual Lecture
CLAUDIA ARADAU: The (Big) Data-Security Assemblage
11 March 2015, 4-5.30pm, A0.23
Masterclass in Critical Security Studies/International Relations
Visiting Scholar at the APSA Centennial Center
In February, Dr Homolar is a visiting scholar at the Centennial Center of the American Political Science Association (APSA) in Washington DC. |
Visit to the US National Archives II
Dr Homolar undertakes archival research at the National Archives II in College Park (MD, US) during the last week of February. |
Turn, Turn, Turn in IR Theory: Practice, Performativity, and Emotion as Pathways to Inclusiveness?
Paper presentation by Dr Alexandra Homolar at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA) in New Orleans, 18-22 February 2015.
Secondary School Visit
Visit by a group of West Midlands 6th formers for a day at Warwick University with Dr Homolar, which entails exploring the libary, experiencing a lecture on US Cold War interventionism, an introduction to online research, and independent study with library resources.