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Spring 2005 Seminars

Spring 2005

Unless otherwise stated Seminars are held on Monday at 1 pm in the CSGR Seminar Room S 1.50 (1st floor Social Studies Building)





10th January

Natalie Chen

(University of Warwick)

Competition, Globalization, and the Decline of Inflation (click here for paper)

17th January

Huw Edwards

(Loughborough University)

Who Gains from Restructuring the post-Soviet Transition Economies, and Why?

17th January


Rm S0.19

Richard Stubb’s

(McMaster University)

'The Cold War, Insitutionalisation, and East Asia's Political Economy'

24th January

Sol Picciotto

(Law School, Lancaster University)

Multi-Level Governance: TRIPS and Biotechnology

31st January

Paul Margison

(University of Warwick)

The industrial relations dimension of Europe’s social model: ‘bottom up’ and top down’ dynamics

7th February

Esperanca Bielsa Mialet and Joy Sisley

(University of Warwick)

Globalisation as Translation: An Approximation to the Key but Invisible Role of Translation in Globalisation

9th February

Chris Hughes

(University of Warwick)

The FalsePremises ofMultilateralism in East Asia and the Future of 'New Regionalism': Bilateral FTAs, the US-Japan Alliance, and 'hub and spokes' resurgent

14th February

Sayantan Ghosal

(University of Warwick)


21st February

Barrie Axford

(Oxford Brooks University)

Global Civil Society: progressive globalisations and conceptual dead-ends

28th February

Abdul Paliwala

(University of Warwick)

Free Culture and Global Commons in Technology: pirates and corporate cowboys

7th March

Gianluca Grimalda

(University of Warwick)

Globalisation, Norms of Co-operation and Trust: Some Experimental Results

9th March, 4.30pm

Marco Vivarelli

(Economic Policy at the Catholic University of Piacenza)

Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction: A Focus on within Country Income Inequalities in Developing Countries

11th - 13th March

Dwijen Rangnekar

(University of Warwick)

The Promise and Reality of Agricultural Biotechnology

April 2005

Diane Stone

(Central European University)

The World Bank

7th - 8th July 2005

Peter Burnell


Globalising Party-Based Democracy

20th -22th July 2005

Dennis Leech


Voting Power Analysis with Reference to Institutions of Global Governance

September 2005

Linda Luckhaus

(University of Warwick)

Liberalisation and Regulation in Global Finance

11th November 2005

Esperanca Bielsa & Chris Hughes

(University of Warwick)

Perspectives on Global Terror

November 2005

Robert Fine & Will Smith


Global Justice through Force