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Diane Stone Publications


The World Bank and Governance: A Decade of Reform and Reaction, edited volume with Chris Wright. Routledge, 2006:i-xx; 1-267

‘Think Tanks and Policy Analysis’, in Frank Fischer, Gerald J. Miller. & Mara S. Sidney (eds.) Handbook of Public Policy Analysis: Theory, Methods, and Politics. New York, Marcel Dekker Inc. 2006:149-157

'The Currency of Change: World Bank Lending and Learning in the Wolfensohn Era', with Christopher Wright, in Diane Stone and Christopher Wright (eds.) The World Bank and Governance: A Decade of Reform and Reaction. London: Routledge, 2006: 1-25

'Think Tanks and Policy Advice in Countries in Transition' in Toru Hashimoto, Stefan Hell and Sang-Woo Nam (eds.) Public Policy Research and Training in Vietnam. Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo (ADBI, 2006: 38-109).

'Global Public Policy and Transnational Policy Communities', paper for the GARNET workshop, Institute of Social Studies, den Haag, November 2006.

'The Open Society Institute: Transnational Philanthropy, Policy Advocacy and Global Civil Society', EGOS Annual Conference, the Organizing Society, 6-9 July 2006, Bergen, Norway.

'The Open Society Institute: Transnational Philanthropy, Policy Advocacy and Global Civil Society', Non Governmental Public Action workshop, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London, 2 May 2006.

'The Open Society Institute: Transnational Philanthropy, Policy Advocacy and Global Civil Society', European Consortium for Political Research, Cyprus, 26-29 April 2006.

'Global Public Policy', GARNET workshop, The Hague, 6 April 2006.

'Transnational Philanthropy, Policy Transfer and the Open Society Institute', School of Public Policy Research Seminar Series, University College London, 5 October 2006.

'Global Public Policy, Public Service and Leadership', Barcelona Institute of International Relations Masters Graduation Speech, 3 March 2006.


Stone, D., and Maxwell, S. (eds), Global Knowledge Networks and International Development: Bridges Across Boundaries. London/New York: Routledge, 2005: xix + 192pp.

Stone, D., and Buldovska, O., 'Despite Flaws, Knowledge Networks Help Spread Ideas', Local Governance Brief, Spring-Summer 2005: 53-55

Stone, D., 'Globalisation: A Strategy Paper', Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Central European University, Budapest, February 2005



‘Global Knowledge Networks and Global Policy’ in Diane Stone and Simon Maxwell (eds) Global Knowledge Networks and International Development: Bridges Across Boundaries, London Routledge

‘Private Authority, Scholarly Legitimacy and Political Credibility: Think Tanks and Informal Diplomacy’, in Timothy J. Sinclair (ed.) Global Governance: Critical Concepts in Political Science. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 0415276616

Global Knowledge Networks and International Development: Bridges Across Boundaries Co-editor with Simon Maxwell, Routledge

Diane Stone and Andrew Denham (eds.) Think Tank Traditions: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2004 i – xiv, 1-322)

‘Transfer Agents and Global Networks in the ‘Transnationalisation’ of Policy’, Journal of European Public Policy, 11(3) 2004: 545-66.

‘Better Knowledge, Better Policy, Better World’: The Grand Ambitions of a Global Research Institution, Global Social Policy, 4(1) 2004: 5-9.

‘Policy Research Partnerships: Goals, Processes and Outcomes’, in Robert Picciotto (ed) Evaluation and Development: The Partnership Dimension, (Washington DC, World Bank, 2004)

‘Introduction: The Politics of Ideas’ in Diane Stone and Andrew Denham (eds.) Think Tank Traditions: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2004).

‘Australian Think Tanks’ (with Ian Marsh) in Diane Stone and Andrew Denham (eds.) Think Tank Traditions: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2004).

‘Think Tanks Beyond Nation-States’ in Diane Stone and Andrew Denham (eds.) Think Tank Traditions: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2004).

‘The Chinese tradition of policy research institutes’, (with Ming-chen Shai as principal author), in Diane Stone and Andrew Denham (eds.) Think Tank Traditions: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2004).

‘Think Tanks and Their Web-sites’ in Diane Stone and Andrew Denham (eds.) Think Tank Traditions: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2004: 291-98).

‘Transnational Think Tanks’, in Jan Aart Scholte (ed) Encyclopedia of Globalization, New York: MTM Publishing (in press, 2004).

‘The Role of Global and International Policy Networks’, Freedom House Workshop on Research and Analysis as Practical Tools of Influencing the Policy Process on National and Regional Levels, Opatija, Croatia, 15-17 September 2004.

‘Global Knowledge Networks’, Section 35 – Transnational Politics, 5th Pan European International Relations Conference of the Standing Group for International Relations, Constructing World Orders, The Hague, 10th September, 2004.

‘Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations’, Panel on Globalisation journals, inaugural meeting of the Global Studies Network, University of Warwick, August 10th, 2004.

‘Knowledge Networks and Non Governmental Organisations’, presentation to Reconstructing the Visions and Realities of Post-Communist World, A Doctoral Conference., Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 14th May 2004.

‘Transnational Policy Transfer: Adjusting to Globalisation?’, paper for the conference, Globalizations: Challenge or Threat for Emerging Economies’, Debrecen University, Hungary, 29th April 2004.


The ‘Knowledge Bank’ and The Global Development Network’, Global Governance, 9(1) 2003: 43-61.

Knowledge in the Global Agora: Production, Dissemination and Consumption’ in Andrea Krizsán (ed.) Reshaping Globalization: Multilateral Dialogues and New Policy Initiatives, (Budapest, Central European University Press, 2003: 41-62).

co-authored with Heidi Ullrich, ‘Policy Research Institutes and Think Tanks in Western: Development Trends and Perspectives’, Discussion Paper No. 24. Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary, 2003. 1-73.

'Knowledge Networks, Policy Research and Reputational Intermediaries'. Paper for the Central and Eastern European International Studies Association (CEEISA) and International Studies Association (ISA) joint conference, Budapest, June 2003.

‘Constructing Research Value in Policy: An Evaluation of Research Projects of the Canadian International Development Research Centre’, International Development Research Council of Canada Workshop, Ottawa, 19-22 February 2003.


Guest Editor, ‘Global Knowledge Networks’ special edition, Global Networks, 2(1), 2002: 1-93.

Using Knowledge: The Dilemmas of Bridging Research and Policy’, Compare 32(3) 2002: 285-296

‘Introduction: Global Knowledge and Advocacy Networks’, Global Networks, 2(1) 2002: 1-11.

‘The Global Polity and Networks of Policy Expertise’ in Richard Higgott and Morten Ougaard (eds.) Towards the Global Polity? (London, Routledge, 2002: 124-144)

Global Knowledge Networks’, paper to be delivered at Theorizing Global Governance and Its Knowledge Networks Conference, Universiteit Kassel, Germany, 28th June 2002.

‘Policy Research, Global Policy Processes and Development Studies’, Annual Meeting of the UK Directors of Development Studies Centres, University of Bath, 18-19th April 2002

‘Bridging Social Research and Policy. The relevance of academic social research for policy making. The South East European Context’, Blue Bird Project, Central European University, 8-9th March 2002.


‘Think Tanks, Global Lesson-Drawing and Networking Policy Ideas’, Global Social Policy 1(3) 2001: 338-60.

‘Guidance for Governance in Great Britain’, in P. Stares & Kent Weaver (eds.) Guidance for Governance: Comparing Alternative Sources of Public Policy Advice, (Tokyo, Japan Center for International Exchange and Washington DC. Brookings Institution 2001: 89-123).

‘The 'Policy Research' Knowledge Elite and Global Policy Processes’ in Daphne Josselin and William Wallace (eds.) Non State Actors in World Politics, (London, Macmillan, 2001): 113-32

‘Think Tanks’, in N. J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes. (eds) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioural Sciences, (Oxford, Pergamon, 2001: 15668-71).

‘Learning Lessons, Policy Transfer and the International Diffusion of Policy Ideas’. CSGR Working Paper 69/01: 1-41.

‘Bridging Research and Policy’, CSGR Hot Topics. JULY 2001: 1-50. Also available on the GDN website at:

‘Bridging the Gap Between Research and Policy’, COHRED Learning Brief No 16, (Council on Health Research for Development, Geneva, United Nations Development Programme, 2001: 1-3).

‘Sharing Whose Knowledge? The Global Development Network and the Diffusion of Development Research’ in Kenneth King (ed.) Knowledge, Research and International Cooperation: NORRAG News, 28, Edinburgh, Northern Policy Research and Advisory Network on Education and Training, July 2001.

‘Think Tanking in a Global Era’, Spectrum: The University of Warwick Research Magazine, No. 2, 2001: 22-23.

‘Getting Research Into Policy?’, paper presented to the third Annual Global Development Network Conference on ‘Blending Local and Global Knowledge’, Rio De Janeiro, 10th December 2001.

‘Thinking Locally, Acting Globally: Knowledge Production in the Global Agora’, paper presented to the CEU 10th Anniversary Conference, ‘Re-Shaping Globalisation: Multilateral Dialogues and New Policy Initiatives’, Central European University, Budapest Hungary, 17th October 2001. (available online here).

‘Policy Research Partnerships: Goals, Processes and Outcomes’, paper to be delivered to the World Bank Conference on Evaluation and Development, 23-24 July, 2001, Washington DC.

‘Bridging Research and Policy’, Background Paper for the Bridging Research and Policy Workshop, 16-17 July 2001, jointly convened by the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation and the Overseas Development Institute, University of Warwick.

‘Global Knowledge Networks’, paper presented to the 10th Anniversary Conference, Central European University, Budapest, 17th October 2001

‘The Knowledge Bank and the Global Development Network’, UK Forum for International Education and Training (UKFIET) University of Oxford, 21st September 2001.

‘Policy Research Partnerships: Evaluating Goals, Processes and Outcomes in the Global Development Network’, 4th OED Conference on Evaluation and Development ‘The Partnership Dimension’, World Bank Operations Evaluation Department, Washington DC. 23-24th July 2001.

‘Bridging Research and Policy’, Bridging Research and Policy International Workshop, Radcliffe House, University of Warwick, 16th July 2001

‘The World Bank and Intellectual Insolvency’, Global Studies Association Conference, Manchester, 4th July 2001.

‘The Knowledge Bank and the Global Development Network’, Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Manchester, 11th April 2001.

‘The Knowledge Bank, Intellectual Insolvency and the Global Development Network’, Murdoch University, 22nd March 2001.

‘Learning Lessons, Policy Transfer and the International Diffusion of Ideas’, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick, 12th February 2001.


Banking on Knowledge: The Genesis of the Global Development Network (London, Routledge, 2000 i-xvii, 1-266). Editor, Hardback and paperback.

‘Introduction: The Changing Think Tank Landscape’, Global Society, 14 (2) 2000: 149-52

‘Think Tank Transnationalisation and the International Market for Non Profit Analysis, Advice and Advocacy’, Global Society, 14 (2) 2000: 153-72.

‘Non-Governmental Policy Transfer: The Strategies of Independent Policy Institutes’, Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration, 13 (1) 2000: 45-70.

with Erik Johnson, ‘Introduction’ in Diane Stone (ed.) Banking on Knowledge: The Genesis of the Global Development Network, (London, Routledge 2000: 3-23).

with Helen Nesadurai, ‘The Role of Research Institutes in Regional Economic Cooperation in Southeast Asia’, in Diane Stone (ed.) Banking on Knowledge: The Genesis of the Global Development Network, (London, Routledge 2000: 183-202).

with Helen Nesadurai (2000) ‘Southeast Asian Think Tanks in Global and Regional Networking’, Panorama, (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung occasional papers: 19-35).

‘Conclusion: Knowledge, Power and Policy’, in Diane Stone (ed.) Banking on Knowledge: The Genesis of the Global Development Network, (London, Routledge, 2000: 241-58).

‘The Policy Roles of Private Research Institutes in Global Politics’, in Karsten Ronit and Volker Schneider (eds.) Private Organisations, Governance and Global Politics (London, Routledge, 2000: 187-207).

‘Policy Research Institutes in Southeast and Australasia’, James McGann and Kent Weaver (eds.) Think Tanks and Civil Societies: Catalysts for Ideas and Action (New Jersey, Transaction Press, 2000: 383-410).

‘Acting Locally, Regionally and Globally: Think Tanks and Transnational Policy Debates’ in Think Tanks as Civil Society Catalysts in the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) Region, (Washington DC., Center for International Private Enterprise, 2000).

‘Private Authority, Scholarly Legitimacy and Political Credibility: Think Tanks and Informal Diplomacy’, in Richard Higgott, Geoffrey Underhill & Andreas Bieler (eds) Non State Actors and Authority in the Global System, (London, Routledge, 2000: 211-25).

‘Think Tanks Across Nations: The New Networks of Knowledge’, NIRA Review (Japan), January 2000: 34-39.

‘Policy Transfer: An Overview of the Debates’ Conference on the ‘Diffusion of Environmental Policy Innovations, Environment Working Group of the German Political Science Association, Berlin, 8th December 2000.

‘Guidance for Governance in Great Britain’, presentation to Global ThinkNet, Japan Centre for International Exchange, Tokyo, 29th May 2000

‘Knowledge Networks and Expertise in the Global Polity’, paper for the joint Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation-University of Copenhagen Business School workshop ‘Understanding the Global Polity’, Copenhagen, 25th May 2000.


‘Learning Lessons and Transferring Policy Across Time, Space and Disciplines’, Politics, 19 (1) 1999: 51-59.

with Helen Nesadurai, ‘Networks, Second Track Diplomacy and Regional Cooperation: The Experience of Southeast Asian Think Tanks’, paper presented to the Global Development Network 1999: Bridging Knowledge and Policy’ Conference, Bonn, Germany 5-8th December 1999: 1-37.

‘Think Tanks and Elite Networks in Nascent Global Policy Processes’, paper prepared for the London School of Economics Workshop on Non-State Actors and World Politics, 26-28th September 1999: 1-22.

‘The Role of Knowledge Actors in Lesson-drawing and Policy Learning’, paper presented to the 1st Economic and Social Research Council Seminar on Policy Transfer, Liverpool, 10th May, 1999

‘Lesson-drawing and Policy Learning’, paper presented at Global Trajectories: Ideas, International Policy Transfer and 'Models' of Welfare Reform, European University Institute, Florence, 25-26th March 1999.

‘Think Tank Transnationalisation and the International Market for Non Profit Analysis, Advice and Advocacy’, the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Washington DC. 20th February, 1999.

‘Acting Locally, Regionally and Globally: Think Tanks and Transnational Policy Debates’, Think Tanks as Civil Society Catalysts in the MENA Region, a workshop sponsored by the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank and the Center for International Private Enterprise, Beirut, Lebanon 6-8th February, 1999.


Think Tanks Across Nations: A Comparative Approach (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1998: i-xvi, 1- 235). Co-editor. Hardback.

‘Principles and Pragmatism in the 'Privatisation' of British Higher Education’, Policy and Politics, 26 (3) July 1998: 255-71.

‘Introduction: The Politics of Ideas’ (with Mark Garnett) in Diane Stone, Andrew Denham and Mark Garnett (eds.) Think Tanks Across Nations: A Comparative Approach (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1998: 1-20).

‘The Development and Discourse of Australian Think Tanks’. in Diane Stone, Andrew Denham and Mark Garnett (eds.) Think Tanks Across Nations: A Comparative Approach (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1998: 145-65).

‘Think Tanks in South, Southeast and Australasia’, paper presented to the World Bank Conference, Think Tanks and Civil Societies: Catalysts for Ideas and Action, Barcelona, 28th June – 1st July 1998: 1-25.

‘Think Tanks, Lesson-Drawing and Networking Policy Ideas’ paper in preparation for Global Governance and Social Policy Conference, Organised by the Globalism and Social Policy Programme at the University of Sheffield and STAKES, the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, Helsinki, 29th May 1998: 1-18.

‘Think Tanks in the Global Political Order’, Private Actors in Global Politics Workshop, Waldhaus Jacob, Konstanz, Germany, 17-19th April, 1998: 1-27


‘The British Think Tank Tradition’, NIRA Review (Japan), Summer, 1997: 28-32.

‘Think Tanks Capturing the Political Imagination’, The Reformers, Winter 1997/98: 29-30.

‘Think Tanks As Global Policy Actors’, Non State Actors and Authority in the Global System, Inaugural Conference of the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick, 31st October – 1st November 1997: 1-34.

Networks, Second Track Diplomacy and Regional Cooperation: The Role of Southeast Asian Think Tanks’, paper presented to the 38th Annual International Studies Association Convention, Toronto, Canada, 22-25th March 1997: 1-38.

‘Second Track Diplomacy: The Role of Private Actors and Experts’, Paper for the European Consortium of Political Research 25th Joint Sessions of Workshops, Bern, Switzerland, 27th February – 4th March 1997. Workshop 15, Private Organisations in Global Politics: 1-37.