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Philosophy News

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New Student Administration Tool for the start of 2013/14

The Philsophy department’s student administration system has changed over the summer. We will no longer be using report-tool for seminar allocation and student reports and have now implemented the University’s student administration system ‘Tabula’.

Tabula is an easy to use, on-line administration system designed to support the administration of teaching and learning in academic departments. We have already implement the coursework management element of this system last academic year for the submission of essays and distribution of feedback and believe that the full implementation of this system further will improve your student experience.

The system will support the department in a number of key areas that will ensure we can better support staff and students throughout the course of your studies. Students should note that it will be used for the following with effect from October 2013.

· Small group teaching allocation and self-sign up for seminar groups (Tabula is very similar to report tool in this respect so the transition should befairly smooth).

· Sudents will be able to view their personal student profile which will include information such as an up-to-date timetable, the modules students have registered for, who their personal tutor is etc.

· Personal tutors and supervisors will record brief details of meetings with students on the system that should be approved by both parties (that can only be viewed by student, the personal tutor/supervisor and in the case of UG students the Senior Tutor) to ensure accurate records are kept of such meetings for future reference to support these relationships.

· Finally the coursework management section of Tabula will be implemented in full within the department for the submission of all coursework/essays and distribution of feedback across all of our programmes of study.

You can access Tabula from the following webpage:

FAQ’s are available for the different areas of Tabula and can be found at the following webpages:

Wed 18 Sep 2013, 13:28 | Tags: Home Page Postgraduate Staff Undergraduate

Philosophy Graduation Party

Graduation Celebration

Tuesday, 16th July form 4.30pm to 5.30pm

For those who are Graduating on Tuesday 16th July, we would like to welcome you to a small Graduation Drinks Reception that the Department will be hosting after the ceremony from 4.30pm (approx) in the Philosophy Department.

We hope that you and your guests will be able to join the academic staff here to celebrate your acheivement.

Tue 16 Jul 2013, 08:51 | Tags: Staff Undergraduate

Symposium on Louise Richardson’s “Flavour, Taste and Smell”

Louise Richardson's (PhD Warwick 2009) paper "Flavour, Taste, and Smell" is the subject of a symposium on the Mind and Language blog with comments from Fiona MacPherson, Mohan Matthen, Matt Nudds, and Barry C. Smith. Why not contribute to the discussion?

Thu 06 Jun 2013, 16:32 | Tags: Home Page External Postgraduate Research Staff Undergraduate

Options Fair and Pre-registration

The Philosophy Department’s Options Fair this year will be on Tuesday 14th May 2013 (week 4) at 2pm in Room H0.52. This will be an opportunity for you to hear brief presentations from academic staff on the modules running in 2013/14 and pick up hard copies of the relevant Options Booklet available to download now from the Department’s pre-registration webpages:

All students wishing to take modules in Philosophy must then pre-register their options on the Department’s online Report-tool system by no later than the end of week 4 (Friday 17th May 2013). To pre-register, follow the instructions on the above webpage.

The Philosophy Department needs pre-registration information to ensure it can make accurate plans for the modules to be offered next year.

If you do not pre-register for your options, the Department may decide to not run certain modules (if it appears that there is insufficient interest) or you may not be able to take certain modules because there is not enough space in the room that has been booked for the module.

Wed 01 May 2013, 14:05 | Tags: Home Page Staff Undergraduate

Assessed Essays submission procedures for term 3 (supersedes the printed guidelines in the 12/13 UG student handbooks)

The Philosophy Department has decided to continue to trial the University’s Assignment Management System for the submission of all honours level assessed essays in Term 3 this year. This system will enable full online submission and online feedback for the assessed work. We think that this will make the submission of work easier for you, and enable us to return your marked work more efficiently.

Most students should already be familiar with the system where it has been used to submit formative work during the year so far but all students on Philosophy honours level modules will receive an email from the department office with instructions. Please ensure you review the below webpages and check that there is an assignment form for all the work you expect to be submitting. If you cannot see ‘due assignment forms’ for the modules that you are expecting to see please email so we can look into this - please do not leave it to the day of the deadline to check :

It is only the submission procedure that has changed all deadlines remain as published

Wed 27 Mar 2013, 13:35 | Tags: Undergraduate

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