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Warwick Transcendental Realism Workshop

Time: Tuesday 11th of May, 12:00pm (registration) - 7:30pm
Location: University of Warwick, LIB2 and S0.11
Organised by Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, in conjunction with the Research Group in Post-Kantian European Philosophy

The purpose of the workshop is to examine the arguments underlying the increasing push towards realism in parts of modern continental philosophy, along with approaches that bridge the analytic/continental divide, and to assess the possibility of transcendental approaches to realism within this context.
Wed 14 Apr 2010, 19:20 | Tags: Home Page Postgraduate Research Staff Undergraduate Workshop

Warwick Symposium on the Non-Philosophy of François Laruelle

Wednesday, 03 March 2010
15:30 - 19:00
University of Warwick, Humanities building, room H0.52

The University of Warwick Philosophy Society invites you to a Symposium on the 'Non-Philosophy' of François Laruelle.
Thu 18 Feb 2010, 14:03 | Tags: Postgraduate Staff Undergraduate Workshop

Workshop: Bildtheorie & Photography - 30th April 2009

Bildtheorie & Photography: Comparative Philosophical Approaches

A One-day Workshop at the University of Warwick 

This event will bring together expertise from Germany and the UK to stimulate new avenues for future research in the visual arts. 

Fri 20 Feb 2009, 14:12 | Tags: Aesthetics after Photography Home Page Research Workshop

Workshop: Photography as a Medium (post-digitalisation) - 21-22 November 2008

This two-day, 10-speaker workshop will address the question of photography as an artistic medium, by examining comparisons between traditional and digital photography. 

The workshop aims to increase philosophical understanding of relevant technologies and artistic practices by including photographic artists working with digital technology alongside leading philosophers working in the aesthetics of photography.

Details of the venue, programme and registration are available from the workshop webpage. 

Advance copies of the Workshop Papers are now available to registered participants.

Tue 07 Oct 2008, 12:04 | Tags: Aesthetics after Photography Research Workshop

Workshop with Kendall Walton - 16th June 2008

Kendall Walton will visit the Warwick Philosophy Department on Monday 16th June to participate in a one-day workshop.

Diarmuid Costello, Eileen John and Dawn Phillips will be among the speakers who will present responses to various aspects of Walton's work, including fiction and the imagination, poetry and photography.

Venue: SO.17 (Social Studies Building, University of Warwick)

Time: 11.00-18.00

Wed 21 May 2008, 14:53 | Tags: Aesthetics after Photography Research Workshop Lecture

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