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Events Calendar

Friday, March 14, 2025

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WMA Seminar: The Cultural Evolution of Speech Act Norms

Mitch Green (Connecticut) - The Cultural Evolution of Speech Act Norms

After characterizing the notions of information, signal, and verbal signal, I note that since its inception in the mid-twentieth century, speech act theory has been carried on with little attention to how speech acts might have come about in the evolution of communication. I then explain some of the central ideas of cultural evolutionary theory. In that light I sketch a cultural-evolutionary account of the modern practice of assertion according to which that practice emerges from a series of increasingly adaptive “proto”-assertoric speech acts. I then offer a similar though more compact reconstruction for the evolution of imperatives. If these reconstructions are plausible, they suggest that assertoric and directive practices are adaptive in the communities in which they occur. They are therefore not arbitrary, contrary to one commitment incurred by conventionalist approaches to speech acts.
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Reading Group - Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit

This reading group will be online, and will be held every Friday at 4 pm.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail to one of the organisers (Marco and Luke) so we can put you on the e-mail list.


· Marco Rienzi:

· Luke Valentine Darrell Leong:

Teams link:

Join the meeting nowLink opens in a new window

Meeting ID: 370 159 187 317

Passcode: 9N6eC9Po


See also:
Department of Philosophy Events
Arts Faculty Events