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MindGrad 2018: Perception and Perceptual Knowledge


Previous MindGrad Conferences

1st - 2nd December 2018
University of Warwick, UK

** The conference will take place in the Zeeman Building on the main campus. See directions here **

MindGrad 2018 is dedicated to the themes of Perception and Perceptual Knowledge. The two-days meeting will feature four talks from invited speakers and four talks from applying speakers with responses from faculty and graduate members of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Warwick.

Invited Speakers:

Bill Brewer (KCL), Alisa Mandrigin (Stirling), Louise Richardson (York), Paul Snowdon (UCL)

Info and registration:

Register here and check out the MindGrad 2018 website for further deails.



Saturday 1st of December

Session 1: 10:30 - 12:00

Azenet Lopez, University of Miami:

No attention to objects without phenomenal consciousness of objects

Response: Hemdat Lerman

Session 2: 12:10 - 13:40

Alisa Mandrigin, University of Stirling: The Where of Bodily Awareness

Response: Tristan Kreetz

Session 3: 14:30 - 16:00

Maximilian Tegtmeyer, University of Pittsburgh:

Objective Experience and Self-Consciousness

Response: Naomi Eilan

Session 4: 16:15 - 17:45

Bill Brewer, King’s College London: Perception of Continued Existence Unperceived

Response: Maria Giovanna Corrado

Sunday 2nd of December

Session 5: 9:30 - 11:00

Paul Snowdon, University College London: Knowledge of Perceptual Experience

Response: Giulia Luvisotto

Session 6: 11:10 - 12:40

Charles Goldhaber, University of Pittsburgh:

The Groundlessness of Skepticism

Response: Barney Walker

Session 7: 13:30 - 15:00

Louise Richardson, University of York:

Experiencing Odours and Pluralism about Perception

Response: Jack Shardlow

Session 8: 15:15 - 16:45

Kathryn Nave, University of Edinburgh:

Visual Experience in the Predictive Brain: Indeterminate, but not Probabilistic

Response: John Michael
