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MindGrad 2021: The Consciousness of Time

Warwick Graduate Conference in the Philosophy of Mind

June 26th-27th 2021, University of Warwick (UK), via Zoom

poster 2021
Saturday | 26th of June 
10:00-11:30 BST
Natalja Deng (Yonsei University) | 'Temporal Experience, Metaphysics, and Metametaphysics, or: on Philosophising About Temporal Experience' | Response: Lucy Evans
14:30-16:00 BST
Zijian Zhu (Oxford University) | 'From the Perspective of the Agent: The Reality of Aspect and Tense' | Response: Thomas Crowther
16:30-18:00 BST
Shen Pan (University of Maryland) | 'Towards a Multi-Level Account of Felt Passage' | Response: Christoph Hoerl
Sunday | 27th of June
11:30-13:00 BST
Kerem Eroglu (Central European University) | 'The Temporal Structure of Experience and the Content View' | Response: Hemdat Lerman
15:00-16:30 BST
Camden McKenna (University of Edinburgh) | 'The Succession Requirement for Agentive Subjects' | Response: Jack Shardlow
17:00-18:30 BST (TBC)
John Campbell (UC Berkeley) | 'Temporal Reasoning and Free Will’ | Response: Elliot Buss

The conference will take place online. For enquires: mind.grad.warwick@gmail(.)com

Conference registration here ; CfP here.

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