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Expert Comment: Super Tuesday: who will be the next leader of the Democratic party?

Super Tuesday is the most important day in the US race to the White House so far, as 14 states vote on who should be the US Democratic presidential candidate.

Dr Trevor McCrisken, PPL Co-Director from the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick, comments:

"Moderate endorsements and a big win in South Carolina at the weekend have revitalised Joe Biden's campaign. But state-by-state polling suggests Biden will win Southern states on Super Tuesday while Sanders will pick up the big prize of California and several of the 14 states voting today."

Tue 03 Mar 2020, 13:07 | Tags: Homepage, Politics, PPL

Warwick researchers help create "ethical compass" to guide research during global health emergencies

Professor Simon Caney from the Department of Politics and International Studies, and Dr Sharifah Sekalala, Assistant Professor in the School of Law, were members of the Working Party which conducted an in-depth inquiry, reviewing the policies and practices of global health emergency research, and presented 24 recommendations for improvement in the form of an "ethical compass" to guide the decisions of those on the ground.

Tue 28 Jan 2020, 16:20 | Tags: Law, Homepage, Politics, PPL

Dr Trevor McCrisken appears on LBC News to discuss Trump's impeachment

Dr Trevor McCrisken, Associate Professor in PAIS, and PPL Co-Director, appeared on LBC News on Wednesday 18 December 2019 to discuss the impeachment process in light of the proceedings against President Trump.

Thu 19 Dec 2019, 11:29 | Tags: Homepage, Politics, PPL

Expert Comment: Xi Jinping's endorsement of Carrie Lam "indicates a lack of public accountability in Hong Kong politics"

Pablo A. Rodriguez-Merino, from the Department of Politics and International Studies and the Institute of Advanced Study, comments on the latest news that Chinese president Xi Jinping has expressed confidence in Carrie Lam, in her position as Hong Kong's chief executive:

"I think that Xi's decision to publicly show support and confidence in Carrie Lam suggests once again that the Chinese government is avoiding measures that may result in instability or further alienate protesters in Hong Kong, let alone a Tiananmen-style military intervention, with which some media and analysts came to speculate at some point during the crisis."

Thu 07 Nov 2019, 14:20 | Tags: Homepage, Politics, PPL

The Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) ranked 1st in the Good University Guide 2020.

We are delighted to announce that the Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) is ranked 1st of 84 UK Politics departments in The Times/The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2020. This influential national league table reflects latest data, including student satisfaction (NSS), research excellence, and graduate prospects.

Wed 25 Sep 2019, 14:41 | Tags: Homepage, Politics, PPL

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