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Keynote Address from Professor Gurminder K Bhambra on ‘Postcolonial and Decolonial Reconstructions: The Difference that Haiti Makes’

Professor Gurminder K Bhambra will be delivering a keynote address on ‘Postcolonial and Decolonial Reconstructions: The Difference that Haiti Makes’ at an international conference at the University of Kassel, Germany. The conference is on 14-15 January and is titled, Beyond the Master’s Tools: Post- and Decolonial Approaches to Research Methodology and Methods in the Social Sciences. For more details, see:

New publication from Professor Wing Chan

The Department of Sociology are delighted to announce that Professor Wing Chan and Professor John Ermisch have had an article pulished in Population Studies. The article entitled 'Residential proximity of parents and their adult offspring in the United Kingdom, 2009–10' can be found in Population Studies, 2015, Vol. 69, No. 3, 355–372.

Calling first year undergraduate students –your chance for a free lunch and £5 Eating at Warwick credit.

If you’re a first year undergraduate student who’s free this Thursday (5 November) from 12-1pm you're invited to sign up for a focus group.

At the focus group we’d like to hear your thoughts on the design and content of our new undergraduate student recruitment communications. This will include the prospectus and emails.

In return we’ll give you a free lunch and a £5 credit on your Eating at Warwick account!

To sign up, please click on the link:

Wed 04 Nov 2015, 11:43 | Tags: Homepage Undergraduate

New Publications from Dr Simone Varriale

Dr Simone Varriale has just published two new journal articles: 'Beyond Distinction: Theorising Cultural Evaluation as a Social Encounter' (Cultural Sociology), and 'Cultural Production and the Morality of Markets: Popular Music Critics and the Conversion of Economic Power into Symbolic Capital' (Poetics).

Kristin Hubner shortlisted for an ESRC and SAGE Award

The Department is proud to announce that Kristin Hubner (one of our current PhD students) has been shortlisted for a prize in “The World in 2065” Essay Competition. The ESRC and SAGE awards ceremony, at which the winners will be announced, will take place on Tuesday 10 November in the House of Commons.




Thu 29 Oct 2015, 12:16 | Tags: Homepage Undergraduate Postgraduate Staff

Dr Stella Chatzitheochari to Speak at the Disabled Children Conference 2015

Disabled Children Conference 2015: Promoting and Empowering the Rights of Disabled Children and Young People - Children in Wales takes place on 11 November 2015 in Cardiff. Dr Stella Chatzitheochari will be speaking about the Trajectories and Transitions of Disabled Children and Young People, an 18 month ESRC-funded research study which looked into the outcomes for disabled children and young people in England. For further information about the conference and to book a place, please visit:


Time Use in Britain Event

Dr Stella Chatzitheochari will be speaking at the forthcoming 2-day event Time Use in Britain. Stella will talk about time diary data from the Millennium Cohort Study. The event is being hosted by the Centre for Time Use Research of the University of Oxford and will take place on 9/10 November 2015 at St Hugh’s College, Oxford.

The event is free but registration is required. For further information and to register please visit

Preventing and Tackling School Bullying

Dr Stella Chatzitheochari will be chairing an event on Preventing and Tackling School Bullying, hosted by Inside Government. The event is aimed at School teachers and practitioners and will take place on Thursday 10th December 2015 in Central London. Further information about the event can be found on the Inside Government website

Sociological talks at Festival of the Imagination

The Festival of the Imagination will take place on campus on 16-17 October 2015 and will be the centrepiece of the University's 50th anniversary celebrations, showcasing the work we do at Warwick through a diverse programme of events all focused around the central theme 'Imagining the Future'.

As part of this festival, there will be lots of talks and acitivities for staff and students to get involved in.

Highlighted below are some events which might be of particular interest to our Sociology community:

We hope that you'll join us there!

Wed 07 Oct 2015, 13:23 | Tags: Homepage Undergraduate Postgraduate Research Staff

Workshop and Symposium: The Question of the Human in Social Theory and Social Research

25th November 2015, 11:00 to 17:00

WT0.05, University of Warwick

This workshop and symposium will explore the, mostly implicit, conceptions of the human, humanity and human nature that underpin various contemporary conceptions of social life. In the context of much-publicised post-human futures, this is an invitation to reconsider the idea that social life itself is predicated on the fact that human beings are capable of such collective existence. Humans are beings who have a continuity of consciousness so that they see themselves as themselves throughout their life; human are beings who negotiate a multiplicity of sometimes contradictory identities and recognise each other as members of the same species, and they are also beings who can create and interpret cultural artefacts. Crucially, humans are beings who can deploy a sense of self-transcendence so that they are able to look at the world from somebody else’s point of view and thus conceive new social institutions.

The main focus throughout the day will be on how questions about the human are encountered in social theory and social research and what are the various implications and challenges of taking these seriously in our work. The day of activities will be divided into two parts. During the morning, we will have a participatory workshop for PhD students and early-career researchers. The goal of the workshop is to help participants negotiate the sometimes abstruse scientific, philosophical, moral, and even theological underpinnings of asking questions about ‘the human’ in the context of their own research projects. Dr Daniel Chernilo (Loughborough University) will offer a general overview of this field of enquiry as well as reflect on its various implications. We will also invite participants to reflect on their own research projects by making a brief (10-minute) presentation of their research projects and how questions about the human have been or are expected to be encountered within them. We’d like to ask all participants to reflect in advance on conceptions of the human and how they pertain to their projects. Uncertainty here is not a problem, in fact it will be a useful contribution to discussions on the day! In the afternoon, we will have a symposium in which Dr Mark Carrigan, Professor Margaret Archer and Daniel Chernilo will engage with questions of the human as they unfold in their own work on digital sociology (Carrigan), the morphogenetic society (Archer), and philosophical sociology (Chernilo).

To register your interest, please contact and with a brief description (500 words or less) of your research and how questions of the human are relevant to it by October 31st, 2015. The event is free but places are limited. Travel bursaries are available for those in need of it, please ask for more details.

Mon 05 Oct 2015, 15:53 | Tags: Homepage Research Conference, Debate or Seminar Staff

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