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Research Centres and Groups

The Department of Sociology hosts two research centres, the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender (CSWG) and The Social Theory Centre. CSWG was established as an interdisciplinary centre in 2002 with membership across the university and facilitates the development of interdisciplinary research. The Social Theory Centre was founded in 1997 and promotes the development of Social Theory with members across the humanities and social sciences.

Both centres have a history of enriching Warwick Sociology’s active research environment through the organisation of seminars, workshops, reading groups, hosting eminent UK and international scholars, public lectures, and other research activities.

The Centre for the Study of Women and Gender

The Centre for the Study of Women and Gender (CSWG) was established as an interdisciplinary centre in 2002 with membership across the university and facilitates the development of interdisciplinary research.

The Social Theory Centre

The Social Theory Centre was founded in 1997 and promotes the development of Social Theory with members across the humanities and social sciences.

Critical South Asia Group

The Critical South Asia Group at Warwick brings together staff and research students whose scholarly work focuses on South Asia.