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Workshop and Performance - "Occupy Your Body"

Friday, November 21st, Milburn House (G55)

CSWG, the GRP on Food, the School of Theatre Studies and the Department of Sociology Research Cluster on "Culture, Media and Creativity" would like to invite you to an afternoon of activities focusing on women’s relationship with our bodies in the context of media, capitalism, food and family.

Spaces are limited. Please email n dot c dot tosun at warwick dot ac dot uk to reserve your free place.

Workshop Occupy your Body (1.30 - 3.30)

This workshop will be led by Amy Godfrey and Louisa Harvey. It will contain a lively mix of discussion and creative activism, and create a space in which we can exchange, be entertained, and formulate ideas for change, in a world where too often other people make our bodies their business.


Performance The Biscuit Chronicles by Amy Godfrey (4.00)

Amy Godfrey has always been a little bit fat. Not fat enough to get her stomach stapled on the NHS but fat enough to get directed to the maternity section in M&S. She’s been distraught, frustrated and addicted to chocolate Hob Nobs so now she’s getting hysterical… and creative. The Biscuit Chronicles is a bright new show that tackles the sticky-fingered question of the obesity epidemic and dieting with a spoonful of skepticism and a healthy helping of laughter.

Amy Godfrey and her host of comic characters guide us through the highs and lows of life in the fat lane, drawing on personal experience and posing some provocative questions. Never far from a laugh or a sensitive subject, Amy bravely bares all in the name of realistic expectations, wielding a ukulele all the way.
