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Mah, A. (2023) Petrochemical Planet: Multiscalar Battles of Industrial TransformationLink opens in a new window. Duke University Press. Available open accessLink opens in a new window.

Davies, T. and A. Mah, eds (2020) Toxic Truths: Environmental Justice and Citizen Science in a Post-Truth AgeLink opens in a new window. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Available open accessLink opens in a new window.


Feltrin, L., A. Mah, and D. Brown (2022), 'Noxious Deindustrialization: Experiences of Precarity and Pollution in Scotland's Petrochemical CapitalLink opens in a new window,' Environment and Planning C. https://doi/10.1177/23996544211056328.

Lou, L. (2022), 'The Art of Unnoticing: Risk Perception and Contrived Ignorance in China,Link opens in a new window' American Ethnologist,

Feltrin. L. (2022), 'Situating Class in Workplace and Community Environmentalism: Working-class Environmentalism and Deindustrialisation in Porto Marghera, VeniceLink opens in a new window,' Sociological Review. opens in a new window

Brown, D., A. Mah, and G. Walker (2021), 'The Tenacity of Trust in Petrochemical Communities: Reckoning with Risk on the Fawley Waterside (1997-2019)Link opens in a new window,' Environment and Planning E.

Mah, A. (2021) "Ecological Crisis, Decarbonisation, and Degrowth: The Dilemmas of Just Petrochemical TransformationsLink opens in a new window." Stato e Mercato, no. 121, pp. 51-78. DOI: 10.1425/101444. Open access information:

Mah, A. (2021) "Future-Proofing Capitalism: The Paradox of the Circular Economy for PlasticsLink opens in a new window." Global Environmental Politics 21(2)

Feltrin, L. and D. Sacchetto. (2021) "The Work-Technology Nexus and Working-Class Environmentalism: Workerism versus Capitalist Noxiousness in Italy's Long 1968Link opens in a new window." Theory and Society

Verbeek, T. and A. Mah. (2020) “Integration and Isolation in the Global Petrochemical Industry: A Multiscalar Corporate Network Analysis.” Economic Geography 

Verbeek, T. (2020) “Explaining Public Risk Acceptance of a Petrochemical Complex: A Delicate Balance of Costs, Benefits, and Trust.Link opens in a new windowEnvironment and Planning E 

Jephcote, C, D. Brown, T. Verbeek, and A. Mah. (2020). 'A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Haematological Malignancies in Residents Living Near Petrochemical FacilitiesLink opens in a new window' Environmental Health 19(53):

Mah, A. and X. Wang (2019) 'Accumulated Injuries of Environmental Injustice: Living and Working with Petrochemical Pollution in Nanjing, China' Annals of the American Association of Geographers.

Jephcote, C. and A. Mah. (2019) “Regional Inequalities in Benzene Exposures across the European Petrochemical Industry: A Bayesian Multilevel Modelling Approach.” Environment International 132

Davies, T. (2019) "Slow Violence and Toxic Geographies: Out of Sight to Whom?Link opens in a new window" Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. doi: 10.1177/2399654419841063.

Davies, T. (2018) "Toxic Space and Time: Slow Violence, Necropolitics, and Petrochemical PollutionLink opens in a new window." Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108 (6): 1537-1553. doi:10.1080/24694452.2018.1470924.

Mah, A. and X. Wang (2017) "The Concept of Environmental Justice in China: Limitations and Possibilities." Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 1 (2). pp. 263-272. DOI: 10.1163/24686042-12340016

Mah, A. (2017), "Environmental Justice in the Age of Big Data: Challenging Toxic Blind Spots of Voice, Speed, and Expertise", Environmental Sociology 3 (2): 122-133.

Mah, A. (2015) "Dangerous Cargo and Uneven Toxic Risks: Petrochemicals in the Port of New Orleans," in Cargomobilities: Moving Materials in a Global Age, eds. T. Birtchnell, S. Savitzky, and J. Urry, Routledge. 149-162.


See: Toxic Expertise Project Results in Brief (2021) 'Exploring toxic expertise, the petrochemical industry and environmental justiceLink opens in a new window,' CORDIS Research*eu Magazine, European Commission.

Toxic News E-MagazineLink opens in a new window quarterly e-magazine founded in November 2015, edited by Toxic Expertise team: Alice Mah, Thom Davies, Xinhong Wang, Loretta Lou, Calvin Jephcote, Thomas Verbeek, David Brown, Lorenzo Feltrin.

Mah, A. (2017) "The Challenges of Tackling Global Environmental Injustice," Lacuna Magazine, March 2017. 

Mah, A. (2016) "The US Love Canal Disaster and its LegacyLink opens in a new window," China Dialogue, 27 April.

Mah, A. (2013) 'Lessons from Love Canal: toxic expertise and environmental justice,' openDemocracy, 7 August.