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Ayse Guveli

Professor of Sociology

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I am a sociologist interested in the drivers and consequences of social inequalities. My research is mainly comparative and focuses on stratification and social mobility, migration, religion, life course, family and gender.

I am a member of the ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change (MiSoC). I have been a visiting scholar in the Department of Social Policy at London School of Economics and Political Sciences in 2018; TUBITAK visiting scholar in the Department of Sociology at Istanbul Sehir University (2013); a visiting scholar at the Department of Sociology, Bogazici University in 2012. I am an external member of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER), at the University of Essex and the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) at the University College London. I am an associate editor of the Journal of Family Studies.


I have recently been awarded the ERC Consolidator grant (€2.75million) / funded by the UKRI Frontier Research grant for 'The Third Generation' (ThirdGen) project, exploring the long-term impact of migration on the third generation of the pioneer Turkish labour migrant families and their integration patterns across different European countries, especially their socioeconomic position, intergeneration care arrangements, and family processes.

In 2009, I received NORFACE funding (€2.5million) for the ‘2000 Families: Migration Histories of Turks in Europe’ project, exploring the impact of migration on migrants and their descendants for the period 2009 and 2015. More information on the 2000 Families project:

I was a Co-Applicant in another NORFACE project (€2.7million) “Causes and Consequences of Early Socio-Cultural Integration Processes Among New Immigrants in Europe (SCIP)”. I am furthermore establishing research links between the UK and other countries, especially Turkey to study family and migration processes and related policies (British Council Newton REL grant).

I have studied the new social class structures of the post-industrial societies in my PhD research (2007) and distinguished two new social classes (the social and cultural specialists versus technocrats) within the middle class and published on their social mobility patterns, voting behavior, and lifestyles.


I have taught in social inequalities, migration, sociology of religion and social science methods at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Areas of expertise

  • Social inequalities
  • International migration
  • Sociology of religion
  • Gender


Peer-reviewed articles

Eroğlu, Şebnem, Bayrakdar, Sait, and Guveli, Ayse. (2024). Understanding the consequences of international migration for housing tenure: evidence from a multi-site and intergenerational study. Housing Studies, 1–23. Read here.

Kavas, Seraphs, and Guveli, Ayse (2024). Children’s sex composition and transition to higher-order birth among Turkish migrants in Europe and their non-migrant counterparts in Turkey: does having a son matter? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, pp1–26. Read here.

Glas, Saskia, Guveli, Ayse, Spierings, Niels and Geurts, Nella (2023) Een alternatieve sociologische canon: Een feest der erkenning. Mens en Maatschappij, 98: 3. Read it here

Aryal, Sanjaya and Guveli, Ayse (2023) Flying Families between the UK and Nepal: Compromised Intergenerational Care amidst a Restrictive Migration Policy Context. Journal of Family Studies, 30(2), 254–282. Read it here

Guveli, Ayse, and Platt, Lucinda (2023). Religiosity of Migrants and Natives in Western Europe 2002–2018: Convergence and Divergence. European Journal of Population, 39: 9. Read it here 

Bayrakdar, Sait, and Guveli, Ayse (2022). Inequalities in home learning and schools’ remote teaching provision during the COVID-19 school closure in the UK. Sociology, 57:4. Read it here

Guveli, Ayse and Spierings, Niels (2022). Migrant women’s employment: international Turkish migrants in Europe, their descendants, and their non-migrant counterparts in Turkey. European Sociological Review, 38:5. Read it here 

Guveli, Ayse and Spierings, Niels (2021). Changing roles of religiosity and patriarchy in women's employment in different religions in Europe between 2004 and 2016. Journal of Family Research, 33: 2. Read it here

Bayrakdar, Sait & Guveli, Ayse (2021). Understanding the benefits of migration: multigenerational transmission, gender and educational outcomes of Turks in Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47:13. Read it here

Guveli, Ayse (2020). Consequential identities: Mexicans in the US and Turks in Europe. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43:13. Read it here

Guveli, Ayse (2018). 2.000 Aile Araştırması. Bazı sonuçlar ve gelecek araştırmalar için potansiyeli. Journal of Economy, Culture and Society, 60: 1. Read it here

Guveli, A., Ganzeboom, H.B.G., Baykara-Krumme, H., Platt, L., Eroğlu, Ş., Spierings, N., Bayrakdar, S. Nauck, B. and Sozeri, E.K. (2018). 2000 Families: identifying the research potential of an origins-of migration study. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40: 14. Read it here

Zuccotti, Carolina V., Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. and Guveli, Ayse (2017). Has Migration Been Beneficial for Migrant and their Children? Comparing social mobility of Turks in Western Europe, Turks in Turkey and Western European natives. International Migration Review. 51:1. Read it here 

Koenig, Matthias, Maliepaard, Mieke and Guveli, Ayse (2016). Religion and new immigrants' labour market integration in Western Europe. Ethnicities, 16(2): 213-235.

Guveli, Ayse (2015) Are movers more religious than stayers? Religiosity of European majority, Turks in Europe and Turkey. Review of Religious Research, 57:43-62.

Brynin, M. and Guveli, Ayse (2012). Understanding the ethnic pay gap in Britain. Work, Employment and Society, 26(4): 574-587.

Guveli, Ayse, Luijkx, Ruud and Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2012) Patterns of intergenerational mobility of the old and new middle classes in a post-industrial society: Netherlands 1970-2006. Social Science Research, 41: 224-241.

Guveli, Ayse and Platt, Lucinda (2011). Understanding the religious behaviour of Muslims in the Netherlands and the UK. Sociology, 45(6): 1008-1027.

Guveli, Ayse (2011) Social and economic impact of the headscarf ban on women in Turkey. European Societies, 13(2): 171-189.

Guveli, Ayse, Need, Ariana and De Graaf, Nan Dirk (2007). The rise of ‘new’ social classes within the service class in the Netherlands. Political orientation of social and cultural specialists and technocrats between 1970 and 2003. Acta Sociologica, 50(2): 129-146.

Guveli, Ayse, Need, Ariana and De Graaf, Nan Dirk (2007). Socio-political, cultural and economic preferences and behaviour of the social and cultural specialists versus the technocrats. Social class or education? Social Indicator Research, 81(3): 597-631.

Guveli, Ayse and De Graaf, Nan Dirk (2007). Career class (im)mobility of social-cultural specialists and technocrats in the Netherlands, European Sociological Review, 23(2): 1-17.

Lubbers, Marcel and Guveli, Ayse (2007). Voting LPF: Stratification and the varying importance of attitudes. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 17: 21-47.

Guveli, A., Need, Ariana and De Graaf, Nan Dirk (2005). De opkomst van de ‘nieuwe’ sociale klassen binnen de dienstenklasse in Nederland. Politieke oriëntatie van de ‘nieuwe’ sociale klassen tussen 1970 en 2000. Mens en Maatschappij, 80: 257-279.

Data and Data Documentation 

Guveli, Ayse; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Baykara-Krumme, Helen; Bayrakdar, Sait; Eroglu, Sebnem; Hamutci, Bulent; Nauck, Bernhard; Platt, Lucinda; Sözeri, Efe Kerem (2016). 2000 Families: Migration Histories of Turks in Europe. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5957 Data file. Obtain the data here

Diehl, Claudia; Gijsberts, Mérove; Guveli, Ayse; Koenig, Matthias; Kristen, Cornelia; Lubbers, Marcel; McGinnity, Frances; Mühlau, Peter; Platt, Lucinda; Van Tubergen, Frank (2016): Causes and Consequences of Socio-Cultural Integration Processes among New Immigrants in Europe (SCIP). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5956 Data file. Obtain the data here

Ganzeboom, Harry B.G., Sozeri, Efe K., Guveli, Ayse and Bayrakdar, Sait (2015) 2000 Families: Migration Histories of Turks in Europe, Data Documentation, VU University Amsterdam.

Guveli, Ayse; Meulen, Ruud; Rietsma, Jan and de Graaf, Paul M. (2004). Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen, Data Documentatie, Radboud University Nijmege.


Guveli, Ayse, Ganzeboom, Harry B.G, Platt, Lucinda, Nauck, Bernhard, Baykara-Krumme, Helen, Eroḡlu, Ṣebnem, Bayrakdar, Sait, Sözeri, Efe K., and Spierings, Niels (2016). Intergenerational consequences of migration: Socio-economic, family and cultural patterns of stability and change in Turkey and Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Obtain the book here

Guveli, Ayse (2006). New social classes within the service class in the Netherlands and Britain: Adjusting the EGP class schema for the technocrats and the social and cultural specialists. ICS-dissertation, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen. (ISBN-10: 90-6464-059-9). Obtain the book here

Book Chapters

Ganzeboom, Harry B.G., Guveli, Ayse and Luijkx, Ruud (2011). Drie generaties: Het XYZ model. Pp. 211-227 in: Kraaykamp, G., Levels, M. and Need, A. (eds.) Problemen en Theorieën in Onderzoek. Een staalkaart van de hedendaagse Nederlandse empirisch-theoretische sociologie. Assen, Van Gorcum.

Guveli, Ayse and Kadi, Ismail H. (2011). ‘Başörtüsü yasağının sosyal, ekonomik ve psikolojik etkileri'. In: Canatan, K. (ed.) Beden Sosyolojisi. Açılım Kitap, Istanbul. (978-9944-105-23-1).

Guveli, Ayse (2008). Türkiye’de Basörtüsü Yasağinin Kadinlar Üzerindeki Sosyal, Ekonomik ve Psikolojik Etkileri. In Türkiye'nin Örtülü Gerçegi, Hazar Egitim Kültür ve Dayanisma Dernegi, Istanbul. In: Turkey’s Covert Reality, HAZAR, Istanbul.

Other semi-scientific articles

Guveli, Ayse and Bayrakdar, Sait (2021). Mandatory remote teaching could reduce inequality during the pandemic – but delivering it will be difficult. The Conversation, 11th January 2021

Geurts, N., Guveli, A. & Spierings, N. (2021) Douze points! De stemvoorkeur van migranten bij het Songfestival. Stuk Rood Vlees, 20th May 2021.

Guveli, Ayse (2020) Open schools first for hardest hit children. LSE Social Policy

Blog, 9th June 2020.

Geurts, Nella, Guveli, Ayse, Smits, Carolien and Niels Spierings (2020) Begraving zonder berusting? Sociologie Magazine, 10th September 2020.

Platt, Lucinda, Garrington, Christine and Guveli, Ayse (2016) Women migrants: A challenging story. Discover Society. Oct, 4th 2016, Articles DS37.

Guveli, Ayse, Spiering, Niels & Bayrakdar, Sait (2014) A Multisite, Multigenerational, and Origin-based Study of 2000 Families. NORFACE Compact Series, 3.

Guveli, Ayse, Scheepers, Peer (2001) Weerstand tegen zwarte scholen aanzienlijk, Zebra Magazine, 3.