The Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) provides an opportunity for students to actively contribute to the development and continuous improvement of the course. This is an excellent opportunity to engage with the design of your course and improve your C.V. (Résumé) - so consider carefully whether you would like to nominate yourself as a course rep.
Becoming a Course Representative
If you wish to become a course rep for your course of study you should put your name forwards by 6pm on Monday 1st November by completing this expression of interest formLink opens in a new window. If you are successfully accepted as Course Representative, you will be asked to attend the first SSLC meeting on Wednesday 20th November at 3pm.
Course rep training is available for all elected course representatives.
The SSLC includes student representatives (course reps) and members of academic staff (e.g. course and module convenors). SSLC meetings provide an opportunity to discuss issues related to teaching, learning and student support and feedback and your wider university experience.
We will meet 4 times this year:
- November
- January
- March
- May
The system of SSLC is overseen by the Students' Union, details of which can be found here.
If you have further questions, please get in touch with: Johan de Kam -