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Mentor induction information

2022 Induction

We are delighted to return to launching the programme with a Face-to-Face Induction on Monday 13 June at The Shard, followed by two Remote Inductions to support our global community.

The inductions are designed to prepare both parties for their mentoring relationship. They reconfirm expectations, share experience and tips to help both parties make the most of the two-year programme.

  1. Induction: All new mentors need to attend one Induction; if you can we highly recommend joining the Face-to-Face Induction. Existing WBS Mentors, whilst it is not required, you are more than welcome and we especially encourage those who have not attending for 3-4 years. Some key messages and best practices have evolved.
  2. Meet your Mentee:
    • Face-to-face attendees: Those attending the face-to-face induction, there is the opportunity to meet your mentee at the end of the induction (see below). Although, we cannot guarantee this, please refer to the email confirming your match. This contains information on when your matched mentee is attending.
    • Remote attendees: For ALL Remote Inductions and for existing WBS Mentors not attending, we will formally connect you with your Mentee.
      NB: everything is explained at induction.

Face to Face Induction: The Shard, London (10.15 - 16.30*)

Date : Monday 13 June, 2022

Arrival : Registration/refreshments from 10.15am for a prompt 11.00am start

Where : The Shard, London - please note there is airport style security and only those registered can attend.

A light lunch will be catered for at The Shard. Please make sure you have notified of any dietary or access requirements. Deadline for dietary requirements is Wednesday 25 May 2022

Further information - about meeting your mentee, arrival times for existing mentors, what to bring and arrival detail

Remote Induction Dates via wbsLive :

(log in 15 mins prior to times below, to ensure sound/video working for your breakout group work)

  • Thursday 16 June 12.00-14.00 (BST)
  • Tuesday 21 June 17.00-19.00 (BST)
Further information - about meeting your mentee, pre-work, joining information

FAQs / Important information

Please read the following carefully. The induction is to provide you with the tools necessary to begin your mentoring relationship. To avoid any possible confusion we have reminded your Mentee that as a Mentor you are not:

  • Recruitment consultants (there to find you a job or make connections).
  • Providers of contacts or a network, or an introductory service.
  • Careers / business advisers.

Mentors are there to offer an unbiased viewpoint and to help guide you through your career path.

How are Mentees and Mentors matched?

Mentors first have the opportunity to select their preference of Mentees from a de-personalised list. WBS sense check those and then will match the remaining Mentee on our own criteria.

What criteria does WBS match on?

WBS will look at the Mentee's stated preference for "next step" (eg; student to first role or move to senior management), then look at the organisational environment (eg: SME or Multinational), then job function and, above all, their aims, objectives and what they wish to achieve from the two year mentoring programme. We do not necessarily match on geography or sector but will do our best to have your geographically close if we can. It's important to note that matching is based on aims and goals – not industry or location.

Do I have to attend an induction?

It is a condition of the programme for all new Mentors to attend an induction. The induction ensures that all Mentors understand what is expected of them. It equips them to make the most of their mentoring relationship and helps them get the most out of the programme. Existing Mentors are not required to attend but we do encourage attendance if you have not attended in full for 3-4 years.

How do I join the remote induction? Where is it?

The induction will be hosted at wbsLive, here:

Full joining instructions will be emailed out beforehand, together with pre-reading/watching information.

When will I learn who my Mentee is? / How do I contact my Mentee?

We're delighted to return to launching the scheme with a Face-to-Face Induction at The Shard. We also have 2 x Remote sessions to cater for our global audience. Those attending the face-to-face, have the opportunity to meet their matched partner. For remote participants, we will formally connect you after induction. Your 'joining instructions' notice will indicate when to expect connection. We are unable to disclose Mentor/Mentee details prior to induction. Each matched pair will receive a joint email that includes; a contact plan, their Mentee / Mentor profile, and helpful mentoring tools / templates. All is explained at induction.

What is the purpose of the induction?

The purpose of the induction is to provide you with the necessary tools to achieve the most from the programme, essentially "How to be an effective Mentor" and to also understand the messages given to mentees. It covers what to expect including; programme responsibilities, contracting, boundaries, escalations routes as well as a Mentee perspective.

Memorandum of Agreement (MoA)

A condition of the programme is that Mentors have to sign the Memorandum of AgreementLink opens in a new window (MoA). This contains data privacy and policies of the scheme. This must be signed before joining an induction. A copy of your Memorandum of Agreement will be circulated in your joining instructions email prior to the induction.

Mentor Profile

Each Mentee will receive their matched Mentor's profile. The profile will include a little background information as well as answers to questions directly relating to the Mentoring programme. Often the Mentor profile does not include their full and comprehensive background of experience. Mentor contact details will not be on the profile, but will be exchanged when we formally connect you together via email after your Mentee's induction.

How does the online session work?

The remote session is conducted via wbsLive where full participation is required. Pre-induction information will be sent, including a video, that we ask you to watch and provide feedback during the session. The session will cover contract, boundaries, cultural awareness/differences, escalation routes, Q&A and other helpful tips to equip you to have an effective relationship.

What do I need for the remote session?

You will receive pre-reading information along with a video to watch and make comment on. You will be asked to answer and participate during the induction. It is necessary for you to read and watch beforehand.

For the induction ensure that you are in a quiet place, with a good internet connection. Phones offer limited functionality and we strongly recommend to avoid using them (you may miss important information / need to re-join). The session is fully interactive and we ask for complete attention. This not only demonstrates commitment to the scheme and your Mentor but equips you for your relationship. This is all the more important when starting the relationship remotely.

Ensure emails / phones are switched off to stop any interruptions. The session is recorded however this can only be shared with those who have completed the induction, those unable to commit to the 2 hours may be asked to re-join another session (new WBS Mentors). We require this to ensure the quality of the scheme for all participants.

Where do I go if I have any further questions?

Contact or the Global Programme Manager